Jesus as the eternal Word (John 1:1)
Discover the deep meaning of John 1:1, which reveals Jesus as the eternal Word of God. Learn how He existed before creation, was with God, and is fully divine. Explore His role in creation, salvation, and the moral lessons for believers today.
Jesus as the Eternal Word (John 1:1) – Full Explanation & Moral Lessons
John 1:1 (KJV)
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:1 is one of the most profound and foundational verses in the Bible. It declares Jesus Christ as the eternal Word (Logos), emphasizing His divine nature, preexistence, and role in creation. This verse establishes the identity of Jesus as both God and with God, confirming His place in the Trinity.
1. Understanding John 1:1
A. Context of the Verse
- The Gospel of John was written to reveal the divine identity of Jesus Christ and to encourage belief in Him as the Son of God (John 20:31).
- Unlike the other Gospels, John begins not with Jesus’ birth but with His eternal existence.
- The opening words "In the beginning" echo Genesis 1:1, linking Jesus directly to creation.
B. Key Phrases Explained
1. "In the beginning was the Word"
- "In the beginning" refers to eternity past, before creation.
- The Word (Logos) is Jesus Christ, the eternal and divine expression of God.
- This means Jesus existed before all things and was not created.
2. "And the Word was with God"
- This phrase indicates a distinct personhood—Jesus was with God, meaning He had a personal relationship with the Father.
- It shows the Trinity—Jesus is not the Father, but He is eternally with Him.
3. "And the Word was God"
- Jesus is fully God, equal in essence with the Father.
- This confirms His divine nature—not a created being, but God Himself.
2. Jesus as the Eternal Word
A. Jesus’ Divine Preexistence
- Colossians 1:17 – "And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist."
- Jesus did not come into existence at His birth; He has always existed as God.
B. Jesus in Creation
- John 1:3 – "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made."
- Jesus is the active agent of creation, just as Genesis 1 says God created by His spoken word.
C. Jesus as God’s Revelation
- Jesus is the visible expression of God’s nature.
- Hebrews 1:3 – "Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person."
D. Jesus as the Source of Life and Light
- John 1:4-5 – "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men."
- Jesus brings spiritual life and truth to humanity.
3. Theological Significance of John 1:1
A. The Trinity
- This verse affirms the Trinity—Jesus is distinct from the Father but fully God.
B. The Divinity of Christ
- Jesus is not just a teacher or prophet; He is eternal God, equal with the Father.
C. The Incarnation
- Later in John 1:14, we learn that "the Word became flesh", meaning Jesus took on humanity to save us.
4. Moral Lessons from John 1:1
1. Acknowledge Jesus as God
- Lesson: Jesus is not just a historical figure—He is God Himself.
- Application: Worship and trust Him as Lord and Savior.
2. Seek a Relationship with Christ
- Lesson: Jesus has always existed in a perfect relationship with the Father.
- Application: We should seek a deep, personal relationship with Him through prayer and faith.
3. Trust in God’s Eternal Plan
- Lesson: Jesus’ existence before time shows that God has an eternal plan for humanity.
- Application: Have faith in God’s sovereignty and purpose for your life.
4. Live by the Light of Christ
- Lesson: Jesus is the true light that gives life.
- Application: Follow His teachings and walk in His truth.
5. Proclaim Jesus as the Word of God
- Lesson: Jesus reveals God’s nature and truth.
- Application: Share the Gospel and help others know Jesus as the eternal Word.
5. Conclusion
John 1:1 powerfully affirms that Jesus Christ is the eternal Word of God, coexisting with the Father and fully divine. This foundational truth:
- Confirms Jesus’ divinity and preexistence.
- Shows His role in creation and salvation.
- Calls us to believe in Him, follow His teachings, and share His light with the world.
By understanding Jesus as the eternal Word, we strengthen our faith and recognize His supreme authority in our lives.