Church Jesus forgives - Matthew 18:35

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Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
Praise the Lord


Glory be to God's most holy name!

Beloved in Christ!
The word our Lord God wants to speak to us now is "Jesus forgives".

Awesome guys! These days, we are unwilling to forgive those who wronged against us. But it is our custom to seek forgiveness from the Lord for our mistakes.

Our Lord Jesus says about it. "If you do not willingly forgive your brother's trespasses, my Father will do the same to you." (Matthew 18:35). Therefore, it is God's will to ask for forgiveness when we do wrong and to forgive those who do wrong.

Look, when the Lord has forgiven us many of our sins, why should we not forgive the sins of others?

Look at the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ. Once Peter, the disciple of the Lord, asked our Lord Jesus Christ, if my brother sins against me, how many times should I forgive? If it was only seven times he asked. To that Jesus answered: I tell you, not only seven times, but seventy seven times (Matthew 18:21, 22) says the Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Lord who forgives sins. If so, He asks us to forgive our brother four hundred and ninety times. So, do you know what that means? It is the will of our Jesus Christ that we forgive, no matter who asks for forgiveness.

But do you know what some people will say as soon as a brother apologizes one or two times? This is your job. Therefore, even if you ask for forgiveness, they will tell you that they will not forgive you. In the same words, when we ask for forgiveness from our Lord, think about how it would feel for us if the Lord said, I will not forgive you anymore (Matthew 18:23-35).

So try to apologize if you make a mistake. To those who ask for forgiveness, say I forgive you. Do you know how happy your mind can be? If you don't forgive like that, there will be a kind of sadness in your mind. This is due to the warning from our Lord God; such sorrow is created in the mind. Try to call the person who asked for forgiveness immediately and tell them that I forgive you for what you asked. Because of the happiness in your mind, you can be happy and peaceful throughout the day.

If we are happy and peaceful like this every day, our lifespan will increase. I think death will not come soon for us. Therefore, beloved! Make a decision today. If you make a mistake, immediately go to the victim and apologize, or if anyone wrongs against you, forgive them. What happiness. Do you know how happy the Christian life is? This happy life is available through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Look at our past life; do you know how big a sinner we are? We are alive because our Lord Jesus Christ forgave us so many sins, or that place where we die and are buried, See, they say that the tree itself will sprout. So get used to asking for forgiveness and giving forgiveness.

Once, the scribes and the Pharisees caught an adulterous woman and asked our Lord Jesus Christ to judge her. Look at the deception of those scribes and Pharisees. They had only caught the adulteress. They left the man who committed adultery. Then the Lord remembered their deceit. Immediately the Lord Jesus said.

Among you, he who is without sin is the first to throw a stone at her. As soon as they heard that word, they became pierced in the heart and left one by one. Finally, standing before our Lord Jesus Christ was the woman caught in the sin of adultery alone. He asked her. Has no one judged you? He asked.

No, Lord, she said. I do not judge you either. He sent the adulteress away saying, "Sin no more."
So dear brothers! Sisters!! Those who are reading this, No matter what kind of sinner you are, the Lord Jesus Christ is willing to forgive you. He is kind enough to forgive your sins. This is what you need to do.

Lord Jesus! Be merciful to me, a sinner (Luke 18:10-14). Please forgive me for my sin. I will sin no more. Forgive me for all the sins I have committed so far. Let us cry and beg for the sins we have committed, that You will wash me and purify me with Your blood shed on the cross of Calvary for me (1 John 1:7-9) and accept me as Your child.

Then, Lord Jesus Christ is able to forgive us all our sins and purify us from all the unrighteousness. But the Lord Jesus Christ has many punishments for those who sin repeatedly (Luke 12:47). However, do not forget that our Lord "Jesus Christ forgives us". Don't waste time, run to Jesus right away. He is the God who embraces you.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the God who comforts you. He is everything to you!
Amen Hallelujah!!

Jesus is coming!!!

Beloved ones! We kindly ask you to forward this message of the Lord that you have read, to your loved ones, friends, and relatives, and help them to see the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and the glory of the forgiveness that can be obtained from Jesus and to join Him.
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