Bible Study John 10:11 and 10:14 God Leads Me

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
It's not a coincidence that the Bible likens us to sheep. In many ways, our actions resemble theirs. The Good Shepherd is another name for our Lord Jesus. And he is that!
Sheep are notorious habit-formers, just like humans. If left alone, they would travel the same paths until they transformed into ruts, graze the same hills until they become desolate wastelands, and contaminate their own land until it became infested with pathogens and parasites.
Sounds recognizable?
Around the world, a lot of productive grasslands have been turned into wastelands.

Poor shepherding and an excess of sheep over a long period of time resulted in nothing but poverty and devastation.
Like us, they need cautious handling and specific instructions. We require a good shepherd to guide us toward and through righteousness.
Our wise shepherd, Jesus, is aware of this.
If left alone, we will develop self-destructive habits. He must maintain our momentum!

He is aware that, for the sake of His name, we must be guided by Him along the ways of righteousness. The effectiveness and efficiency with which He guides us along these routes determines His entire reputation. He is aware that, for the sake of His name, the sheep must be under His exacting care and supervision if He is to have a thriving flock with a good reputation.
Our Good Shepherd guides us to new pastures every day. He understands where we will prosper!
He knows where we will develop into a robust, healthy species. He then guides us there.
Today, follow Jesus.
Accept the direction and correction of the Good Shepherd in your life.
Give up all to follow Him.

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