Inspiration l always ignore them this way

  • Please we urge all unregistered users to swiftly register to enable you enjoy loads of benefits rollingout in our community. Be open to opportunities to do good for someone else today. Anything that do not please God in your life has come to distroy you.


Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
Something you’ve been praying for will happen for you out of nowhere, suddenly, and miraculously in the most unexpected way.

Happiness comes a lot easier when you stop complaining about your problems and start being grateful for the problems you don't have .
The words you speak become the house you live in.
Good morning, stay safe and blessed.

It is a truism that
"He who speaks to you about others speak to others about you.
And the best way to destroy gossip is to ignore it".
l always ignore them this way "
Don’t disturb my peace by telling me what others said about me.
Keep it to yourself,
they told you and not me"
l do that because good news satisfy the body why bad destroy the body. Remain peaceful by ignoring gossips.
Good morning, stay safe and blessed.

Choose faith over fear. Believe in the unseen possibilities, trusting that everything is working out for your highest good.

Not everyone is going to love you.
Most people even don't love themselves.
Only those who care about you,
can hear you when you're quiet.
Always stay safe and blessed.

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