Bible Study Learn to Be Still Before God

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
Learn to Be Still Before God, in the face of problems, Moses told the impatient, murmuring and desperate Israelites (some believers also have these qualities) in Exodus 14:13,
“…Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will shew to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them no more for ever.”

In the book of I Samuel Chapter three, as long as Samuel kept running up and down, God did not speak. God only spoke to him when he lay down, was still and became quiet before the Lord.
In the same way, God wants us to be still and quiet in His presence and He will speak to us.

He will feed us at His table when we are quiet enough to 'eat'.
Brethren, let us stop running from pillar to post in search of miracles. Stop looking unto great men or women of God for solutions to your problems.

Look unto Jesus Christ, and if He directs you to any man of God then you can go.
Nowadays, some people think it odd for someone to say “God said this to me”.

Although some believers have actually abused and misused this phrase, yet the truth remains that God still speaks to His children, but how many hear Him! It is only those who keep quiet in His presence that can hear His voice.

Many believers derive more pleasure and satisfaction in doing other things such as carrying out diverse religious activities in the bid to please God, than in sitting still in the presence of God and having a sweet communion with Him!

It is when we dwell in His secret place (presence) that we will abide under His shadow. He then leads us through afflictions and problems. That is the breakthrough we pursue.

God Himself will lead you and both of you will break through problems together.
In that case, you have little or nothing to do than to obey and submit to Him. He then shows you the path of life as you do so.

That is all. Therefore, stop being too busy for God. There is a realm of sweetness to attain. Desire it.

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