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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

Motivational Morning Prayer: A Day of Fruitfulness and Abundance

(Based on Genesis 1:12 – "The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.")

Heavenly Father,
This morning, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude. Your Word reminds me that You created the earth to be fruitful, and You saw that it was good. Today, I declare that my life will be fruitful, productive, and filled with goodness. I trust that You have planted seeds of greatness within me, and in Your perfect time, they will grow and flourish.

As I step into this new day, I ask for Your strength and wisdom. Help me to nurture the gifts and opportunities You have given me. Let my words, actions, and thoughts reflect Your love and purpose. May I sow seeds of kindness, faith, and perseverance, knowing that what I plant today will bring a harvest of blessings in the future.

Holy Spirit,
Fill me with motivation and confidence. Remove any doubts, fears, or distractions that try to hold me back. Just as the plants and trees grew according to Your design, let my life align with Your divine plan. Guide my steps, open doors of opportunity, and give me the courage to move forward with faith.

Thank You for the abundance You have prepared for me. I trust that, as I remain faithful and diligent, I will see growth and breakthrough in every area of my life. Bless my work, my relationships, and my journey today. Let everything I do bring glory to Your name.

I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Go forth today with faith and confidence—God has planted greatness in you!

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