Bible Study Psalms 32:8 I will instruct thee and teach thee

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will fix mine eyes upon thee .
Psalms 32:8 JUB

In your pursuit of purpose, you will find out that you are in defined and designed path. Walking through it to reach the end becomes destiny for you.
Three things are required of us as we walk the path of destiny and purpose
1. Fix your eyes on Him
Hebrews said He is the Author and Finisher, Alpha and Omega, A to Z of al we do. When we try to alpha the process we're going to omega it. He won't be involved and anything else we face and confront ,we are going to handle all by ourselves He won't be there because we never recognized His sovereignty at the alpha of it. Since we're not alpha and omega failure is inevitable.
In order to avoid this, Look up to Him, the Author and Finisher, Alpha and Omega. Hallelujah

2. Be Teachable and Flexible
Let Him teach you the mysteries of life and it's purpose. This is one of the ministry of the Holy Spirit - teaching.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all the things that I have said unto you.
John 14:26 JUB

He is the Way of life, the Truth about life and Life itself. It all revolves around Him. So let Him teach you. Be open to be taught and be flexible in case you have to change course because He is not a Methodist. He is dynamic in operation. So be open, for the life of God is spirit life -John 3: 6-8

3. Be Obedient to Instructions
Secrets of success lies in commandments and statutes which from season to season are being dished out to you from the Lord.
Each instructions obeyed unlocks new dimension of God in His power, grace, blessing and glory.
Each instructions takes you to new levels and reveals deeper things of God
Each instructions brings to pass new things, and takes you from glory to glory
Each instructions takes you one step ahead and forward closer to your destiny and closer to the fulfilment of purpose.

Receive this right now

Be baptized with the spirit of the fear of God
and humility to remain submissive.

Be baptized with deep hunger and thirst for more of God and His love

May light of revelation and understanding reveal to you deeper realms of God calling for you to plunge into and experience

May you never be satisfied with where you are in your journey. Let there be a holy restlessness that will not let you be at ease in Zion in Jesus name Amen

I can hear the Spirit calling out Come up hither
Receive the ear to hear what the Spirit is saying now


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