Spirituality Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem

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Prophetic Corner

Isaiah 52:2
Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

Shake Yourself From The Dust

The natural man was pulled out from out of the dust by God.
Today I declare to you, the Lord has decided to descend for your sake. There's a visitation now, get ready.
As His visitation comes, this is what you are to expect.

Out of the Dust: You days in the dust is over. Your place isn't on the floor. You're no more grounded but lifted above the limits
Shake off that which God didn't put there in your life that has restricted your life. Your days in the dust of life are over

Formed : The Lord shall give you a new and beautiful form and shape that will reveal His glory in your life. Begin to manifest the light of God to your generation

Breath: Receive a fresh breath of the Spirit. Let the breath of God revive your life. Every dry bone in your life receive the breath of God. By this breath fulfil your purpose

Living soul: He came that you will have life abundantly. From today your life shall be a blessing to others. Begin to impart lives around. Let your gifts be stirred up for impart and productivity

Live to your fullest in Jesus name Amen


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