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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

How to Offer God's Word in Prayer for a Fresh Start​

By giving thanks to God for what the Bible says He has done, will do, and is doing, you can transform the passages above into prayers for a fresh start! Here are four suggestions for praying and reflecting on God's Word.

1. Go over the verse. Put it in writing.​

It becomes more ingrained when the text or passage is written down. It helps you start concentrating on the words by slowing down your thoughts.

2. Read the full chapter or the verses that come before and after it.​

This provides you with the passage's context.

God has created you new in Jesus and grafted you into their inheritance, so even though some of the passages above are about Israel, you can still declare these truths (see Romans 11).

3. Seek guidance from the Spirit on how to apply this text to your unique situation.​

According to Hebrews 4:12–16 and 2 Timothy 3:16, God's Word is alive and well and can be used effectively for instruction, correction, and reproof. Request that He speak into your life through His Word.

4. Write the passage or verse as an intercession.​

You can either write it down or say it out. Give thanks to God for fulfilling His promises in the Bible. If you haven't believed it or find it difficult to believe, admit it.

Seek His assistance in aligning your thoughts, will, and feelings with the passage.​

Say a prayer over your spouse and kids, before you begin a task, while you're driving to work, or whenever you wake up! Everything is being created by God. He desires for you to perceive yourself as He does—as blessed, selected, pardoned, redeemed, unique, and brand-new!

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