Daily Devotional The Lord Seeks People To Send - Isaiah 6:8

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos

FRIDAY, 20TH SEPT., 2024


Lesson Text: Isaiah 6:8

Isa 6:8: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!”"


This passage is part of Isaiah's profound vision of the Lord in the temple, where he encounters the majesty and holiness of God. Isaiah’s response to God’s call for someone to carry His message is a powerful example of surrender and willingness to serve.

1. God's Search for Willing Servants: The Lord's question, “Whom shall I send?” reflects His desire to find people who are ready and willing to fulfill His purposes on earth. This call is not limited to a particular time or person but is a continuous invitation to all believers to participate in His mission. God always seeks those who will go out and represent Him.

2. Isaiah's Response of Surrender: When Isaiah hears the Lord's call, he immediately responds, “Here am I. Send me!” This statement shows his readiness and eagerness to serve God, despite his earlier feelings of unworthiness. Isaiah's willingness is a model for every believer to be available for God’s call, regardless of personal limitations or fears.

3. God's Commission: The call to go and serve is a divine commission. Just as Isaiah was sent to be a prophet to the people of Israel, believers today are called to be ambassadors of Christ. God is not looking for perfect people but for willing hearts who will say "yes" to His plans.

4. The Call of Every Believer: While Isaiah was specifically called to be a prophet, this principle applies to all followers of Christ. We are all called to different roles and responsibilities in God's kingdom, but the question remains the same: "Who will go?" It is up to us to respond as Isaiah did.


1. Be Available for God’s Call: Like Isaiah, we must be willing to respond when God calls us to service. Sometimes, God’s call may not come in dramatic visions but in everyday moments—through opportunities to serve, share the gospel, or help others. Our response should be a willingness to say, “Here am I, send me.”

2. Overcome Feelings of Inadequacy: Isaiah initially felt unworthy due to his unclean lips, but God purified him and then called him to service. Similarly, we may feel inadequate or unworthy of God’s call, but He equips and qualifies those He calls. Trust in God’s grace and ability to work through you.

3. Look for Ways to Serve: The Lord is still seeking people to send into different areas of ministry. Whether it’s in missions, teaching, serving the needy, or simply being a light in your community, God has a purpose for each of us. Be attentive to the opportunities around you and step into them with courage.

4. Commit to God's Purpose: Saying “yes” to God’s call means committing to His purposes, even when it involves challenges, sacrifices, or uncertainty. Like Isaiah, we must be ready to follow where God leads, trusting in His guidance and strength.


Dear Lord, thank You for calling us to be part of Your mission. Help us to be available and willing to respond like Isaiah, saying, “Here am I, send me.” Equip us with Your grace and empower us to serve You faithfully in every opportunity You give us. Let our lives reflect Your glory and bring others to know You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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