Bible Study The Recovery of Samson 9

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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

The Recovery of Samson 9​

Judges 16:26
And Samson said unto the lad that held him by the hand, Suffer me that I may feel the pillars whereupon the house standeth, that I may lean upon them.

One of the secrets to quick recovery from a fall is
# Humility. Humility gives access to grace and mercy which at the long run unlocks favour Psalm 102:13, James 4:6
#Admit that you need help Matthew 14:30
#Be unashamed to ask for help no matter who it is that it will come from. That's Samson secret
# Be willing and obedient to the helper to do as he or she says so long as it doesn't corrupt the sanctity of your faith and conviction in Christ Isaiah 1:19
# Be positively flexible because change and innovation is a necessity for improvement and for recovery. 1 Kings 17:9
#Have faith in the available provision God gave you presently. Samson had faith on the pillars to lean on them. Elijah had to trust that the widow can sustained him as God said
Before I leave
# Understanding that the winning idea or insight you need to get up from the fall lies in your simplicity to say" I need a help"
Remember : Ask for help and you shall receive
Seek for help and you shall find it
Knock humbly on that door and someone will open for you

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