Marriage Maters What Are The Roles Of A Husband To Her Wife?

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Aug 31, 2023
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11 Roles Of A Husband To Her Wife​

There are certain roles which wives play in the lives of their husbands which is not known to most men. Check these out one after the other so as to appreciate your wife.

1. Lover: Your wife is a lover; not just a wife, express your love to her. Love her with all your heart; let anybody that cares to listen know.

2. Friend: Your wife is your friend, confide in her, nurture her, rejoice with her, mourn with her, celebrate her and mostly, laugh with her. 11 Roles Of A Wife To Her Husband

3. Baby: Treat her like a baby. Pamper her, carry her, nurture her, nourish her, cherish her and feed her. Let her sleep on your bosom, cuddle her and let her feel comfortable with you. 11 Roles Of A Wife To Her Husband

4. Room Mate: Stay in the same room with her, what God has joined together, let no room put asunder.

5. Bed Mate: Do not just stay in the same room with her, sleep on the same bed, make her your bed mate.

6. Soul Mate: Your wife is not just a friend; she is your soul mate. Do not just join your hand with her, give her your mind, do not hide anything from her. Rejoice with this beautiful queen that is your wife.

7. Sex Partner: Your wife is your sex partner; do not be ashamed of making love with her. Strip yourself naked, enjoy yourself, make sure she enjoys it too. Do not be selfish, look at her face, and check whether she enjoys it. Never go to bed with any other lady, it is a sin.

8. Your Queen: Treat your wife like a queen which she is; if you do, she will treat you as a king. If you are a king, treat her with respect, talk to her with honour, let marriage be honorable.

9. Your First Lady: Your wife should be your first lady, the number one woman in your life. Never allow any other woman, your mother, sisters, secretary or colleagues take her position in your life.

10. Mother: Let your wife take the position of your mother in your life. Transfer the love of your mother to her. It will be foolish of you to still be confiding in your mother at your age, do not be foolish confide in your wife.

11. Your Student: Teach your wife what you want her to do. Do not be annoyed with her; let her keep on learning from you, you are her number one teacher.

You will not fail in marriage in Jesus name. Amen

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