What are your thoughts on my takeaway from Gen. 22?

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New member
Jun 30, 2024
What are your thoughts on my takeaway from Gen. 22? First I decided years ago that I am not a repeater but one who seeks to understand. This can lead to being an outcast so to speak but I don't mind since I am not employed by any religious entity. I am free to disagree. (and get others thoughts) So concerning Gen 22 I lean to reject all the standard instruction about what all this child sacrifice means for us, as simpleton shallow commentary that is missing the mark. There has to be more to this than all that shallow commentary suggests. Here are my thoughts on what might hit the mark. God said the reason for this sacrifice was to determine if Abraham feared him. "Now I know that you fear God" vs 12. But I am thinking that fearing God as we would typically define it, might also lead us to have a very shallow and simpleton view. Instead I am thinking this. Scripture is loaded with Gods anger about humans worshiping false Gods whether real (angels) or made up pieces of wood or otherwise invented by man. Men creating a god out of wood and then via peer, government, or religious pressure convincing humans to sacrifice their children to these phony gods actually did occur. Image that a person who did not invent the god, did not gain governmental or religious privilege's by sacrificing their child nevertheless did so because they were told that they had to. And they did. Imagine living in that culture. Mind boggling. But I am also certain that a large segment of that culture knew that it was all a crock and stupid nonsense but were trapped if their child was seized. But if given the option would not sacrifice their kids to that nonsense. They did not believe pieces of wood were real gods. So Abraham willing to obey Yahweh and sacrifice his child is an affirmation that yes indeed Abraham has acknowledged that Yahweh was real, the one true God actually to be feared. God himself in this story said "Now I know that you fear God" vs 12. All the standard takeaways taught in churches have a casual superficial connection to the story but would not suffice AT ALL as this drama played out in real life with Abraham and Isaac. Imagine the standard modern takeaways going through Abraham and Isaac's head. They would not have been thinking these things, Imagine what I have suggested going through their heads. I think it would be a much more likely thinking as it was actually playing out.

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