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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
There are two types of links that affect the SEO performance of your website: dofollow and nofollow backlinks. Allow me to clarify their distinctions and the reasons behind them.

Dofollow References

Dofollow backlinks instruct search engines to follow them and grant the linked website authority. They serve as virtual vote of confidence from one website to another, signifying that the content of the linked website is reliable and valuable.

Dofollow backlinks can raise the authority, exposure, and search engine ranking of your website. They increase the authority and relevancy of websites by adding to the link juice that is transferred between them.

For example, search engines will probably give your website more credit and improve its position in the SERPs if a credible website in your niche includes a dofollow backlink to your website in one of its articles.

In HTML code, a dofollow link looks like this:

At <a href="example.com">this anchor text here</a>

Redirect Backlinks

Backlinks marked with a nofollow attribute instruct search engines not to follow them or grant any authority to the website they point to. They function similarly to disclaimers on other websites, saying that the website they are linking to is not recommended or endorsed.

It's essential to comprehend the distinction between dofollow and nofollow backlinks in order to develop an SEO strategy and build quality links. It is possible to raise the authority, visibility, and search engine ranking of your website by concentrating on obtaining high-quality, relevant dofollow backlinks. The foundation of SEO are dofollow backlinks because they distribute link juice and make your content more significant to search engines.

But pursuing dofollow backlinks alone might not be the wisest course of action. Your link profile may appear more balanced and natural to search engines if it contains a combination of dofollow and nofollow backlinks. This will eventually help your SEO efforts.

In addition, nofollow backlinks can help your website get more traffic, build brand awareness, and produce leads and conversions. Additionally, they can assist you in avoiding search engine penalties for having an excessive number of spammy or low-quality links.

Ways to Acquire Them?

While there are numerous approaches to obtain dofollow and nofollow backlinks for your website, the following are some of the most popular and successful ones:

Writing content for other websites in your niche and putting a dofollow link to your website in your author bio or within the article is known as guest posting.

Blogger outreach is contacting influential bloggers and writers in your industry and requesting that they mention your brand or include a link to your website in their posts.
Content marketing is the process of producing interesting and useful content for your website and advertising it on email, social media, and other channels to get backlinks from other websites.
Social media: Obtaining links from your fans and followers while posting content and linking to your website on social media networks.
Forums and remarks: engaging with pertinent online communities, contributing informative and enlightening posts and comments, and including a link to your website.
Listings and directories: submitting your website to listings and directories in relevant niches that provide dofollow or nofollow link options.

How Do I Examine Them?

You can use a variety of instruments and techniques, like the following, to examine the kind and caliber of backlinks referring to your website:

Google Search Console: A free tool from Google that allows you to track and examine backlinks and website performance. The total number of backlinks, their source domains, and the pages they link to are all visible.
The free Bing tool Bing Webmaster Tools provides features akin to those of Google Search Console, but for the Bing search engine.
Ahrefs: A premium tool that provides a thorough and in-depth evaluation of the backlink profile and SEO effectiveness of your website. Each backlink's dofollow and nofollow status, along with its domain authority, anchor text, and other metrics, are displayed.

Moz: A paid tool that offers comprehensive and precise data regarding the backlinks and SEO performance of your website. Each backlink's dofollow and nofollow status, along with its domain rating, spam score, and other metrics, are displayed.
SEMrush: A premium tool that provides comprehensive and trustworthy information about the backlink profile and SEO performance of your website. Each backlink's dofollow and nofollow status, along with its authority and trust scores and other metrics, are displayed.
In summary:

The SEO performance of your website is affected differently by dofollow and nofollow backlinks. In contrast to nofollow backlinks, dofollow backlinks convey authority and relevancy to the linked website. Each kind of backlink has benefits and drawbacks of its own.

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