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USA Threads


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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States and plays a crucial role in interpreting the Constitution and ensuring the rule of law. Here are the key functions of the U.S. Supreme Court:
  1. Interprets the Constitution: The Court has the final say on how the U.S. Constitution is interpreted. It ensures that laws passed by Congress and actions by the President comply with the Constitution.
  2. Judicial Review: The Court has the power of judicial review, meaning it can review the constitutionality of laws and government actions. If a law or action is deemed unconstitutional, the Court can strike it down.
  3. Settles Disputes Between States: The Court has original jurisdiction in cases involving disputes between states. This means that certain types of cases can be heard directly by the Supreme Court, rather than going through lower courts.
  4. Hears Appeals: The Court hears appeals from lower federal courts and state supreme courts on cases that involve significant legal questions, particularly those related to constitutional issues, civil rights, or federal law.
  5. Protects Individual Rights: The Court plays a vital role in protecting individual rights and liberties by interpreting the Constitution’s provisions, such as the Bill of Rights, in cases involving free speech, religion, privacy, and equal protection.
  6. Establishes Legal Precedents: Through its decisions, the Court establishes precedents, which are legal principles that guide future cases. Lower courts and other branches of government often rely on these precedents.
  7. Final Arbiter in Legal Disputes: The Supreme Court is the final authority on legal disputes, and its decisions are binding on all other courts in the country.
Overall, the U.S. Supreme Court ensures that laws are applied fairly and consistently across the country while protecting the constitutional rights of individuals.

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