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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria


Now is the time for you to prepare your faith of martyrdom. And to do so, you must have the faith of redemption that wholly enables you to stand before the Lord—the faith that can embrace martyrdom without hesitation.

We must prepare this faith now. Our Lord has told everyone that no one can enter or even see the Kingdom of God without believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. He has told us that the faith in this gospel is the faith of the martyrdom in the end times.

If there is sin in people’s hearts, how could they be martyred? Far from being martyred, they are the kind of people who would lead others to receive the mark of the Beast! Nothing but the gospel of the water and the Spirit can cleanse away our sins. Not even your prayers of repentance that you routinely and ritualistically offer can cleanse away your sins. Trying to cleanse your sins with prayers of repentance is only a waste of time and effort.

Those who try to do so believe more in what the theologians have said than in what the Word of God actually tells them. Does not the fact that the scholars, the very people in whom so many Christians put their trust, argue and believe in amillennialism only show just how ignorant of the Bible these supposed scriptural experts are? According to these amillennialists, there would be neither the Millennial Kingdom nor the martyrdom of the saints in the Great Tribulation. To those who believe in the theory of pre-tribulation rapture or amillennialism, the Book of Revelation would have no meaning at all!

The Word of Revelation is the Word of God. It is the Word of God written by the Apostle John, the most beloved disciple of Christ. No one can deny this.


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