?Ask What is Sin ?

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BSF Senior Staff
Staff member
Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Dear Believer,

When motivational speakers tell
you to feed your focus
And starve your distractions

Remember that the ultimate
focus is JESUS

And the ultimate distraction is SIN.

Therefore, always read the Word, and always plead the Blood.

Full meaning of SIN

S - Satan

I - Identification

N - Number

God gave you a word for someone

And you started calling her daughter.

She's 22. You are 24.

One word, and she is now your sprishua daughter.

Just like that.

By the time you abidoshake a church now.

All the ladies there will be your infants.

She is your SISTER!

When I see my believing
sister dressed like an
unbelieving sinner,

I smile and ask,

"Madam ZION,
looking like BABYLON

Are you ZEBULON?"

The great 'problem' in the church
today is not the hard heart of
religion or the cold heart of sin.

It is the lukewarm heart of "just
enough" that insulates the fire of
the Holy Spirit from setting ablaze
the whole body of believers.

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