Programming What's Methods for binding MySQL data from an existing iframe to a new one on the same page

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Programming related thread


Premium User
Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

My Perl script binds the data to the right panel when the column in the left panel is clicked, and it functions flawlessly. However, how can I now click on the iframe's column on the left side to connect data to a new iframe on the right side? Tell me, please, and I will be grateful.

My Perl script binds the data to the right panel when the column in the left panel is clicked, and it functions flawlessly. However, how can I now click on the iframe's column on the left side to connect data to a new iframe on the right side? Tell me, please, and I will be grateful.
In your Perl script, you can use JavaScript to handle the click event on the column in the left panel iframe and then use JavaScript to dynamically generate the new iframe on the right side and fill it with the data you want to tie to it. This is one way to bind data to a new iframe on the right side.

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