bible question

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  1. BSF

    Bible Study Hear my cry, O God PSALM 61:1-2

    Morning Tea PASS ME NOT TODAY’S SCRIPTURE PSALM 61:1-2, NKJV ”Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.“ ‭‭ TODAY’S WORD When we pray we hope that God hears us. That is one of...
  2. admin

    Bible Question What is death to God or in the face of God ?

    question!!!! question!!! 1: what is death to God or in the face of God ??? for he said in Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. and they never died when they eat it read Genesis...
  3. BSF

    Bible Question Will God use me to achieve his purpose and plans? Exodus 3:14

    THE GREAT I AM. Today’s Scripture Exodus 3:14, NKJV - And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you.'" Today’s Word When Moses was sent to Pharaoh to free the people from slavery, God told Moses to tell them...
  4. Stalwart23

    Bible Study Ways The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Can Be Proved Hebrews 2:4

    PRODUCE THE EVIDENCE _(The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Can Be Proved)_ TO THE BIBLE: Hebrews 2:4 AMPC _“[Besides this evidence] it was also established and plainly endorsed by God, Who showed His approval of it by signs and wonders and various miraculous manifestations of [His] power and by...
  5. admin

    ?Ask List of Reasons Everybody Must Study The Bible

    7 REASONS EVERYBODY MUST STUDY THE BIBLE Just like the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, a young man left his father to join the military. He went through unspeakable hardship because he had nothing to live on. He wrote his father, requesting for some money but his father had a better...
  6. admin

    ?Ask How should I educate myself on missionary work?

    A person who embarks on a religious mission with the goal of evangelizing to others—typically but not always abroad—is referred to as a "missionary". In a sense, Jesus served as a missionary, traveling the world and sharing his faith while preparing people for salvation. Jesus was not the first...
  7. E

    Bible Study Faith Healing and Health 1 Peter 1:23 AMP

    FAITH’S PROCLAMATIONS OF HEALING AND HEALTH “For you have been born again [that is, reborn from above – spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] not of seed which is perishable but [from that which is] imperishable and immortal, that is, through the living and...
  8. admin

    ?Ask What does Isaiah 6:3 repeated use of the word "holy" mean?

    In Isaiah 6:3, the seraphim call one to another, saying: What does it mean to repeat "holy" three times, I wonder? Is this merely a continuation of the Hebrew practice of "emphasizing" things by repeating them (usually twice)? Or does the number three have a particular significance? 2. Any...