Make Money Can we use a Forex card in an ATM?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
It depends on the debit networks in which both your bank and the ATM you're using are active. The majority of debit cards belong to one of the two global debit networks, Visa or Mastercard. Two examples are Cirrus or Maestro (on Mastercard) and Electron (on Visa).

On the back of your bank card, there are numerous small logos that you can see. Try to find an ATM with one of the logos on it. Utilizing Plus, Cirrus, or other foreign debit networks has the major problem that there will always be extra expenses. additional fees that may be charged, as well as the exchange rate from the local currency to the currency of your home bank. Euros to Canadian dollars, as an illustration.

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