Bible Study Finish With Fear - 2 Timothy 1:7

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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

Today's Scripture
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7, NLT

Today's Word
So many people today are missing out on God’s abundant joy, peace and victory because they keep giving in to a spirit of fear. They are afraid to make a decision, afraid to confront issues, afraid to step out in faith, afraid of the past, and afraid of the future! But we don’t have to live that way.

Always remember, fear is not from God. God has given you power, and His power is greater than any other power in the universe! You have to make a decision to confront and conquer fear head-on with the Word of God. His Word is truth that sets you free!

You can’t be passive and expect to live in victory. The next time you feel fear, declare today’s verse in 2 Timothy 1:7. Tell fear it has to go and walk in freedom. Sing a song of praise and declare God is empowering you. Focus on Him, find freedom, and move boldly into the blessing He has prepared for you!

Prayer for Today
Father, thank You for giving me power to overcome fear. I choose to face fear head-on and drive it out of my life. Show me any areas of my life where fear is holding me back so that I can press forward into the life of victory You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen. Have a peaceful weekend!

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