?Ask How can bloggers generate enough original content for each day?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
There are steps involved, some of which are easier than others. Here comes an example.I'm a nerd. Point blank, everything of it. Alright, so let's assume I create a blog, Twitter account, or Instagram account featuring a character or franchise I enjoy. Try Dragon Ball Z, please.I know numbers far better now than when I studied them in high school thanks to my education in the insurance game. From there, I've come to realize a few things.

My goal is to profit from this.I must be able to share a variety of stuff and maintain its attention.Every four years, there are 365 days in a year; 366I therefore need to be able to post at least 366 distinct items using that mental process. Let's now lay this out.I can tackle this using DBZ by breaking out the topics I wish to discuss into several categories. You can generate money while you sleep, so I hope everyone is following along. This is how I consider it.
I want to talk about the following

  • Characters
  • Episodes
  • Movies
  • Games
  • Toys
So that's 5 right? 365 divided by 5 equals 73 if my maths correct. So for every bullet point above, you have 73 things to possibly talk about. Now if you're a DBZ fan, we know they're definitely enough characters and episodes to talk about 73 different times. Toys as well. Games and movies, not so much unless you're uploading screenshot content.

So time to compensate. You then pick apart the characters. You list every single Character that ever been spotted on DBZ.

Last time I've read there's 130, but as we know there will be more as long as the season progress. Now let's say you talk about each character twice, just not in succession.

That's 260. 365 minus 260 is 105. Only 105 things to talk about left in that year… crazy how simple that gotten right? I only choose 1 out of the 5 bullet points above. It's simple when you think about it and map it out.

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