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Affiliate Marketing relatected threads


Premium User
Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
One thing I discovered very quickly when I launched my first business was that having a quality product is essential to being able to pay your expenses and make ends meet. This holds true for many kinds of businesses as well: providing a good or service that people value is essential to success in life, not just in business.

And this is precisely the essence of affiliate marketing: you advertise a good or service that people find worthwhile. You receive payment from the business selling the goods if someone purchases it or subscribes to the service you recommend.

Sounds simple enough? Yes, it is! There's a catch, though.

You earn less money the harder you labor.

It really is that easy. My advise to anyone looking to make quick money with affiliate marketing is to quit their job, create a website, and advertise every affiliate program available. It won't take long to determine which businesses pay well; if not, it could be time for you to launch your own affiliate program and give affiliates a significantly larger cut (think 40% or more).

However, if it doesn't sound like your type of thing, you should continue reading. Because the information I'm about to give you in this post will enable you to become a successful affiliate marketer. It seems far more likely to me that you will succeed.

You should grab a sandwich or something because this will take some time. The following paragraphs will provide real-world instances of what I'm talking about, along with money values. The good thing is that after reading this post, you ought to know a lot more about affiliate marketing and, more importantly, whether it's the best business strategy for you.

Let's get going now.

Promoting ideas I disagree with is not profitable

ClickBank was one of the first businesses I worked for when I initially started using affiliate marketing. They had about 9000 things to market when I joined. Thus, I reasoned, "Hey, 9000 things to advertise...

It will be simple to do this! "All I need to make thousands is a website." How innocent was I?

I soon discovered that it was not only very difficult, but also quite unprofitable, to promote all those diverse things on one tiny website. Allow me to illustrate with a real example:

I was marketing a dating ebook at the time. It sounds enjoyable, doesn't it? Unless, of course, you're trying to market to both men and women! By doing this, I essentially forced myself to compete with myself, which reduced my commission on each sale by 50%. I had to sell twice as much to make the same amount of money, that's why!

This is why, as soon as I signed up with ClickBank, I made the decision to only advertise highly targeted products, which meant that my chances of making money were significantly increased. And it worked: I could now sell half as much and earn the same amount of money as my commissions began to increase by 20–30% rather than 50%!

For this reason, I think affiliate marketing makes more money when you market certain products. However, precisely what does "targeted" mean? That's really up to you to decide.

The significance of focusing on your niche

What does "niche" mean to me? It's simply a fancy term for a collection of individuals with similar needs, issues, or interests. Really, anything might be it: cooking, web design, gambling, losing weight, etc. The options are unlimited.

It will be simpler for you to market your product to them and close sales if your niche is more narrowly defined. Therefore, I advise you to take some time to consider potential themes that you're interested in if you're finding it difficult to generate money with affiliate marketing.

Here are a few examples to help you start thinking creatively:

- Electronic books

- Tangible goods (such as cameras, exercise gear, or vitamins).

- Membership websites (where access can be purchased on a monthly basis)

- Individual coaching

Finding a product that your audience could be interested in purchasing is the next stage if you can identify a profitable and niche that you are both interested in. Even if some niches—like weight loss goods, for instance—are more evident than others, I advise staying away from them until you've gained some experience. Why? Because it's far simpler to begin with an undiscovered niche, grow from it, and then enter more crowded marketplaces.

Allow me to ask you this, then:

What requirements or issues might people in your targeted niche be facing? How are those needs and problems going to be met by you?

I've listed some possible items or services you could promote below, along with a list of niches to help you get ideas. Select one, and utilize the others as inspiration for additional study:

Golfing accessories and equipment

- Supplements for weight loss

- Magical maneuvers

- Dating guidance

Now, let's move on to the enjoyable part.

How to locate things to market as an affiliate

After you've identified your niche, it's time to consider the kinds of goods and services that your target market could be interested in purchasing. Any one of the following approaches can be employed:

- Use one of the many tools accessible on the internet to find the product yourself. It's one of the easiest methods to find a product, and I've done it a ton.

- Look for someone else who already advertises the kinds of goods you're interested in, and ask them for suggestions or if they have any special recommendations.

You can get ideas for popular products by using Google Trends to discover what people are searching for over time.

I would suggest utilizing the following tools to assist you in selecting profitable products:

Jungle Search: Due to its speed and ease of use, this is one of my favorite tools. Furthermore, they have the best support staff around. They really respond to all of my inquiries in a matter of hours, folks!

Allow me to explain how it operates:

I just type a term into the search bar, and Clickbank provides me with a list of every product that is currently for sale. For those who are unfamiliar, Clickbank is an online marketplace where users may purchase and sell digital goods including membership sites and ebooks.

It's important to remember that not every product is worthy of promotion in this situation.
For instance, you may come across a product that looks great on paper but is terrible on the inside. Consequently, even though the product's sales figures might suggest otherwise, it is up to you to decide if it can still be profitable for you.

However, suppose my goal was to advertise a relationship advice ebook. I would just type in a search term, like "dating," and receive a list of all the ebooks that are currently available for purchase on ClickBank.

It's time to go much more detailed now!

I might want to look for an ebook, for instance, that discusses meeting women in bars. I then just type bar + dating into the search field, and a list of 12 ebooks appears.

Then, using those figures, you can choose which ebook to promote by considering the following factors:

- Sales: What is the product's sales volume? Ebooks that haven't generated at least 25 sales in the previous 30 days ought to be avoided being promoted.

Conversion: For every 100 visits, how many purchases does the ebook generate for you? It's exceedingly impossible to generate any sales with ebooks that have a conversion rate of less than 1%, so I would advise against promoting them.

- Price: How much do affiliate marketers get from each ebook sale? You should advertise an ebook that costs at least $20 because the commission on each sale should be at least $10.

- Commission Rate: What is your rate of pay for each ebook sold? You won't profit from promoting ebooks with commission rates lower than 50%, therefore stay away from doing so.

Affiliate Ranking: Which affiliate is marketing this ebook at what level? If the affiliate rank of an ebook is less than 50, it indicates that the seller is having difficulty making sales, thus you should not promote it.

Back-end Sales: What percentage of customers come back to buy the product you recommend? This is a terrific way to find out if your target audience enjoys the author's writing. Most ClickBank marketers advise only advertising products with a back-end sales rate of at least 30%.

These are some of the characteristics I look for as a ClickBank affiliate marketer, but you can always choose to utilize a different metric.

By using Jungle Search as your first port of call when creating a niche site, you'll greatly increase your chances of finding a profitable product to promote.

As you can see, Jungle Search is super-fast and easy to use, but if you have any questions just leave them in the comments below…

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