Bible Question Was it the case that Deuteronomy 16:5-7 called for boiling the Passover meal?

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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
In a recent correspondence, Peter Enns addressed a review of his latest book and defended his interpretation of a discrepancy between Exodus 12:8–9 and (I believe) Deuteronomy 16:5-7. He appears to be arguing that the latter requires Israel to boil the Passover meal, even though the former forbids it. Deuteronomy says, "bashal the meat," while Exodus says, "don't bashal in water the meat."
There is only one translation that, in regards to the Deuteronomy passage, concurs with Enns. I looked up the translations of the command in the NIV, ESV, NET, HCSB, NRSV, NASB, and KJV, and they all translate it as "You shall cook and eat [the sacrifice]." The phrase "And you shall boil it and eat it" appears in the RSV but not in the NRSV.
Who is right? Is it better to translate that word as "cook" or as "boil"?

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