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An ad server related discussion


BSF Senior Staff
Staff member
Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
What exactly is the distinction between an ad network and an ad server?
To distinguish between an ad network and an ad server, keep in mind that ad networks (as well as publishers and advertisers) use an ad server as part of their operations.

Ad servers are in charge of ad administration, impression monitoring, and analytics. They store and serve the advertisements, ensuring that they appear correctly on websites or mobile apps.

Ad servers also collect information about ad performance, such as impressions, clicks, and conversions, which allows advertisers and publishers to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Ad networks, as opposed to ad servers, play a different role in the programmatic advertising ecosystem. Ad networks are not concerned with ad management or storage.

They primarily serve to enable transactions between advertising and publishers. As previously stated, ad networks act as middlemen, connecting advertisers with available ad inventory from publishers.

The ad network is dependent on the capabilities of the ad server to serve and track ads, ensuring they are displayed in the appropriate areas and optimized.

Simply explained, the ad server is the underlying technology that allows advertisers to display their adverts and helps publishers manage these advertising efficiently.

If you are looking for a good and minimally low-cost ad server site, kindly visit www.adserversite.com to start with.

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