
  • Please we urge all unregistered users to swiftly register to enable you enjoy loads of benefits rollingout in our community. Be open to opportunities to do good for someone else today. Anything that do not please God in your life has come to distroy you.
  1. admin

    Prayer Special Prayer for you reading this

    Dear God... Touch the people around me, Keep them joyful and safe. Give them love. compassion and care... Bless them all with good health, peace in mind and kindness in their hearts... Especially the one. reading this message:
  2. Stalwart23

    Prayer No harm will ever come to you

    You will not match poison, in Jesus name You will not eat poison, in Jesus's name Anyone assigned from the pit of hell to poison you mistakenly poisons themselves, in Jesus name You are covered by the blood of Jesus forever, in Jesus's name The blood of Jesus will speak better things for you...
  3. admin

    Prayer You are a blessed generation

    It doesn't matter what science may say, the testimony that will be too difficult to believe God will give it to you this season, in Jesus name God bless you...
  4. BSF

    You shall fulfil your purpose in life

    God's purpose for your life cannot be frustrated, in Jesus name The devil cannot frustrate God's plan for your life. Whatever the plans of the enemy, God's purpose for your life will come to pass, in Jesus name You're blessed and be happy always beloved. Always pray and make a lot of people...