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God The Son thread


BSF Senior Staff
Staff member
Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

Have you come to believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior?​

You must first comprehend what "personal," "Jesus Christ," and "Savior" mean in order to answer this question correctly.

Jesus Christ is who?​

Jesus Christ will be recognized by many as a nice guy, an excellent teacher, or even a divine prophet. Although these statements about Jesus are unquestionably accurate, they do not adequately capture who He is. According to the Bible (John 1:1, 14), Jesus is God in the flesh, or God in human form. In addition to teaching, healing, correcting, and forgiving us, God came to earth to die for us! God, the Creator, and the All-Powerful Lord is Jesus Christ. Jesus, have you accepted this?

Why do we need a Savior, and what is a Savior?​

According to the Bible, everyone has sinned and done something bad (Romans 3:10–18). We are deserving of God's wrath and judgment because of our sin. According to Revelation 20:11–15 and Romans 6:23, the only appropriate retribution for sins committed against an eternal and infinite God is an infinite punishment. We therefore require a Savior!

In our place, Jesus Christ came to earth and died. Our sins were infinitely atoned for by Jesus' death (2 Corinthians 5:21). According to Romans 5:8, Jesus died in order to atone for our sins. To save us from having to pay the price, Jesus did it.

Jesus' bodily resurrection demonstrated that His death was adequate to atone for our sins. Because of this, Jesus is the sole Savior (Acts 4:12; John 14:6)! Do you believe that Jesus is your Savior?

Are you a follower of Jesus personally?​

For many, Christianity means going to church, following rituals, and/or abstaining from certain sins. Christianity is not like that. A close relationship with Jesus Christ is the hallmark of true Christianity. Putting your own faith and trust in Jesus is what it means to accept Him as your personal Savior. No one is rescued by other people's faith. No one is pardoned for certain actions. Accepting Jesus as your Savior and believing in His death to atone for your sins and His resurrection to ensure your eternal life is the only way to be saved (John 3:16).

Are you personally saved by Jesus?​

Say the following to God if you wish to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Keep in mind that reciting this or any other prayer won't rescue you. You can only be saved from sin if you believe in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross. This prayer is merely a means of thanking God for your salvation and expressing your faith in Him. "God, I am aware that I have sinned and should be punished for it. However, I think that Jesus Christ took the penalty I deserved so that I may be pardoned by believing in Him. I accept Your offer of pardon and put my faith in You to be saved. Jesus is the Savior I personally embrace!

We are grateful for the gift of eternal life, which is Your amazing grace and forgiveness. "Amen!"

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