Church As a minister, you are like a doctor

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BSF Senior Staff
Staff member
Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
I write to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To all who come across this message, I bring a message of peace, hope, and encouragement.

Ministers, men and women of God, are human beings with blood flowing through their veins. Ministry work is one of the most difficult tasks on this planet. It requires one's energy, blood, strength, mind, and life to serve God and humanity. Yet, people often label you as lazy or doing nothing, simply because your work is not recognized or rewarded in the same way as other professions.

We have seen many high-achievers in various fields - oil and gas directors, CEOs, politicians - who have left their lucrative careers to answer the call to ministry. They have heeded the call, just like Peter, to follow the Master and serve humanity. But the same people they are trying to help often fight, castigate, and attack them.

As a minister, you are like a doctor - people only come to you for blessings, without asking about your well-being or private life. Many do not care whether you live or die, whether you eat or ferry. That is the reality of ministry.

It takes the grace of God to serve humanity genuinely and uphold truth. To all who come across this message, know that the Lord sees your pain, agony, and tears. He knows the struggles you face, even when you appear strong in church, wearing fine suits and shirts. But when you retreat to your inner room, closet, or house, you weep, cry, and agonize. Dear men and women of God, be strong.

Be strong and follow the Lord; never give up. The Lord is your strength, your rewarder, and your hope. Despite the challenges and criticism you face, remember that the Lord is always with you. There may be blackmail, backstabbing, and stabbing from all directions, but you are striving to help those same people, and that's not easy. But the Lord is your strength.

Don't look to man for validation, but look to the One who called you. The work of ministry is the greatest work on planet earth, but to many, it seems unimportant because it's not rewarding in their eyes like other professions. But dearly beloved, the Lord has not called you to be put to shame. He has not called you to disappoint or reproach you. He will hear your cry.

Faithful is He who called you, and He will do it. May God hear your cry and may those who doubt your calling, may those who reproach and castigate you, be the ones who turn around to celebrate you and thank God for you answering the call to ministry. May God bless you.

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