Business Business and money what makes both important?

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Business Ideas, Business tips


Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
We learn that we must:

Study money RELIGIOUSLY Earn money REGULARLY Lend money CAREFULLY Borrow money RARELY Invest money WISELY Withdraw money SPARINGLY Spend money PRUDENTLYSow money GENEROUSLY Donate money SPIRITUALLY and you will always have money ABUNDANTLY In the wealth pyramid, money is at the bottom.

At the top of the pyramid is wisdom. It is followed by relationships. Next is time management. Manage time properly and money pursues you.

Develop relationships and money catches up with you. Acquire wisdom and money overtakes you. Wisdom gives you the enlightenment to know that a job means you work for money. And that an investment means money works for you. And again, that a business means money walks to you.Relationships are vital.

Your relationships from school sometimes are more relevant to your upward mobility than even what you learn in school. It is often true, but not always true, that who you know is more important than what you know. And the next thing on the wealth pyramid is time. Use your time well.

Productivity is the watch word. Pack value into your time. Be productive, instead of being active or busy. What you produce determines your ranking in the wealth pyramid. If all you produce is labour, you will be at the bottom of the pyramid.

If you possess management skills, you will move to the middle. But the top of the pyramid is reserved for those with actionable ideas that can be converted into a business.

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