?Ask Can you leave good things for the sake of God ?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

The first man to leave good things for the sake of his God was Abraham. It’s no surprise that he is called the Father of faith. Today, despite all the glorious revelations we receive through the Word of God, and other matchless blessings we have in this God, and other matchless blessings we have in this New Testament period, many find it difficult to give up even bad things – let alone good things!

Why did God ask Abraham to leave his country, his kindred, his father’s house, etc? Because God wanted to give him a better country, a better home, etc. THE LORD NEVER ASKS US TO LEAVE ANYTHING, NOR DOES HE TAKE AWAY ANYTHING FROM US, UNLESS HE HAS SOMETHING BETTER FOR US.”Your best cannot be compared with God’s least.”

When Abraham obeyed the Lord and went, leaving behind all his ‘good things’, the Lord gave him Canaan, the best of God. When God commanded Lot to “escape to the mountain” (Gen 19:17) he refused and lost the best of God; but Abraham moved and went to the mountain and “called upon the name of the Lord” (Gen 12:8). Many years later, when the Lord told him to go to Mount Moriah to sacrifice his son, he had no reluctance to climb the mountain once again, and that, at a very old age – to give his best to God.

Child of God, do not be reluctant to part with those ‘good things’ that the Lord may be asking of you.

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