?Ask How can I know if my life will be successful?

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BSF Senior Staff
Staff member
Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Sure, You have exceptional accuracy in predicting your level of success in life.

Although the formula is very simple to understand, it can be challenging to apply.

What's the trick?

The people we spend time with shape who we are.

Examine your surroundings. Jot down every quality you find appealing and repulsive. That's precisely where you're going, though.

Because we are social beings, our cultures have a profound impact on us. Our mostly unconscious behaviors are ingrained in this culture.

Do you wish to achieve success?
Be in the company of prosperous people.
Would you like to be content?
Be in the company of joyful people.
Would you like to be well?
Be in the company of healthy individuals.
Do you wish to boost your self-assurance?
Be in the company of self-assured people.
Want to soar with the eagles?
Be in the company of eagles! chickens do not fly with eagles.

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