Encouragement How do I become stronger and better as a Christian when life challenges comes?

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Premium User
Oct 10, 2023
Lagos Nigeria
It was unfair, but when you come out on the other side stronger, healthier, more confident, more fulfilled, you’re going to say, “Look what the Lord has done.” There was freedom in the pressure. There were new levels in the difficulty.

The fire is a sign that new growth is coming. You’re about to bloom, to blossom, to see favor you haven’t seen before. Doors will open that you could never open; you'll go places that you’ve never gone.

How you respond under pressure will determine whether you come out better or you whether you get stuck. You’re not going to understand everything that happens. Life is not always fair. You have to remind yourself: God allowed that fire not to defeat you but to promote you.

You’ll be tempted to get bitter, upset, but trust God in the difficulty. He’s ordering your steps. He’s still in control. He wouldn’t have allowed it if it was going to stop you. That fire is opening up seeds to your destiny, levels you could never reach without it.

When you’re in the fire, when you're under pressure, you may not see what God is doing. You may not think anything is changing or improving. But you can be sure He is in there with you. The beauty of our God is He never lets you go into the fire alone.

Some things can only be released in the fire. I wish I could tell you that you’ll reach your destiny with just good breaks, good education, doors opening, people being for you. But that’s not reality. God uses closed doors, disappointments, betrayals, and loss.

We don’t like the fire: being uncomfortable, going through things we don’t understand. But, God won’t allow a difficulty unless He has a purpose for it. There are gifts and talents you won’t discover without going through uncomfortable times.

We don’t like the fire: being uncomfortable, going through things we don’t understand. But, God won’t allow a difficulty unless He has a purpose for it. There are gifts and talents you won’t discover without going through uncomfortable times.

There is potential locked up in you that will only come out through adversity. There are gifts and talents you won’t discover without going through fiery trials.

Develop a habit of forgiving daily. When the offense comes up, don’t go there. Keep your mind on the positive. Think on things that are good, wholesome, uplifting.

Things happen that are not fair, you don’t understand, but God sees it. That’s not how your story ends. This is a new day. That part of you that you lost is coming back: the confident you, the joyful you, the passionate you, the valuable you, the successful you.

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