I-140 and Related Issues I-140 approved, Canadian overseas, Is it possible for me to travel within the United States ?

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General I-140 and Related Issues thread


BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Hi there,

Recently, my I-140 was approved. I work in consular processing and reside in Canada.
Have you ever taken a vacation trip to the United States (Canada does not require a visa) while your I-140 was approved and awaiting processing by the consulate?

The wait time for consular processing is around 1.7 years before to the Montreal interview. While I wait, I would like to take a vacation to the United States. Because I own a home and a child in school, I have close links to Canada.
In the interim, my lawyer advised me not to apply for an O-1 visa or to do so with him (more money for him)...
I appreciate your assistance.

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