Google Ads I Need Assistance with Google Ads Suspensions for My Expensive Dropshipping Online Company

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Google Ads thread


BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

Hello everyone,​

I'm contacting you to ask for guidance on Google Ads management for my expensive dropshipping company. I have everything set up correctly, including a legitimate LLC, and I run a fully legitimate store that sells to the US from my base in the UK. I solely use whitehat advertising as well, but I've encountered a significant issue.

Situation: I had a suspended Google Ads account before I ran a single ad because of "circumvented systems" and a "unpaid balance." All of the appeals—more than ten in number—have been denied. Since it appears to be my only remaining alternative, I'm now thinking about creating a new Google Ads and Google Merchant Center (GMC) account.

Present Approach with Agency: At the moment, I collaborate with an agency that is a Google partner. Since they said that my primary GMC was unfixable, they were able to set up a replacement one that functions. However, it may take more than two months to repair the Google Ads account. I don't need to waste this much time, and there's no assurance that they'll be able to resolve the problem. They said they could set up a Google agency ads account for me if it couldn't be resolved.

Has anyone used Google agency accounts for such problems before?​

One problem with utilizing this account is that I will have to keep paying more for a new one if it is blocked, and for some reason, they are charging me an additional $200 for account verification, which I assumed was the absolute minimum.

I now know enough about creating accounts from scratch, including how to use an anti-detect browser, a residential IP, and how to warm up an account. Many seasoned users have told me that the account creation and warm-up are more crucial than the information you enter, such as VCC or other details. Please offer your advice on this thread or send me a private message if you know anything about this subject.

Another issue I had with creating the accounts from scratch was that people were saying you needed a new domain. I find it very challenging to switch domains because I have a lot of files and other materials associated with my domain. Additionally, if I were to change the domain for my website, I would also need to change the domains for my support emails and everything else associated with that domain. If I put it up correctly, is it okay to use my same domain, phone number, payment information, and business credentials on the new account? I don't know if my domain is suspended, however keep in mind that my account was suspended before I had ran an advertisement.

Account verification is another issue.​

I've heard from folks that if you set it up correctly, you won't have to deal with it, but just in case I do, how can I get around it? Can I pass my old, now-banned account using the same LLC and business details?

Last but not least, I just wanted to add that this has completely destroyed my business. I have been in this situation for months, and it is incredibly depressing me because I think my business would succeed if I could just get advertisements to function.

I'm willing to pay someone to help me, but not a lot of money, and we could also share expertise because I know a lot about high-priced dropshipping. I would be very grateful for any assistance.

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