Satan and Evil Spirits If God created devil perfect where did evil comes from ?

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Satan and Evil Spirits thread


BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
That’s a deep question, and it gets into the heart of free will and the nature of perfection. According to Christian theology, God created Lucifer as a perfect being, meaning he was beautiful, wise, and without sin. However, "perfection" doesn’t mean he was incapable of making choices. True perfection includes free will—otherwise, he would have been more like a robot than a being capable of love and worship.

Evil didn’t come from God, but from Lucifer’s own pride and rebellion. Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-17 describe how he became proud of his beauty and wisdom, desiring to be like God rather than serve Him. This self-exaltation led to his fall, which introduced sin into creation. In essence, evil wasn’t something God created—it was the result of a good creation (Lucifer) choosing to reject God’s will.

It’s similar to how darkness isn’t a thing by itself; it’s just the absence of light. Evil is the absence of God’s goodness, caused by rebellion against Him.

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