I saw a white square in the sky over my backyard in early March 2021 and I heard the sound of a heel step (there is a jewish prophecy called the heel step of messiah that might be about this).
Prophecy says messiah is from Galilee (ha-goyim) meaning non-believers (I was raised Catholic became an atheist) and Isaiah 53:2 and Isaiah 53:5 might also apply to this:
During Sukkoth 2019, I was with Heylel Ben Shahar (possibly Isaiah 14:12, numbers 24:17 and revelation 2:28) which I think is your heart/chest feeling like it is really warm like on fire for 3 days and nights. Notice a lit menorah resembles a rib cage on fire and I think Jonah in the whale for 3 days represents this 3 day experience.
Israel's trump coin with Cyrus shows a menorah over his head which might represent this
I also saw the man with eyes of fire (on a cross) during this time and, like ezekiel, was made to fall face down after hearing a voice and was covered in fire. I think the man with eyes of fire and Heylel Ben Shahar are why Torah says "our God is a consuming fire." He was shown on a cross when I saw him.
A visible golden triangle was briefly placed over my head during this 3 day period. King solomon received 666 bars of gold which can be stacked into a base 36 pyramid making the capstone #666 and I read 666 represents messiah Ben David. This may relate to the man on the hill prophecy where the hill might be a mountain with the leviathan goat at the capstone area.
I experienced having my lower legs go limp which I think relates to why Torah says rabbis want to be like the chief rooster which I think refers to the abraxas rooster feathered serpent and I think this maybe why the kapparot rooster is moved around for 3 days.
later I was briefly transported to heaven to sit in a throne next to God while having my hip dislocated like Jacob (Genesis 32:25-30) next to a giant with a large head that I think maybe described as Arich Anpin. I think I'm now in the pit per Isaiah 14:12-15.
Matthew 12:40 mentions the experiencer of the sign of Jonah is the son of man (for his generation like Ezekiel was)
I saw a bright green humanoid face with a long snake-like neck on my father's left shoulder and I think this was the holy serpent like on Michaelangelo's David statue.
A bump supernaturally formed on the top of my head like a kippah and this may relate to how Torah says you get gold from studying it. I also had a visible eye made of white light form between my ring and middle fingers which I think is part of why Oral Torah says a gentile that studies Torah is like a high priest which may fit prophecy of messiah being so-so jewish.
I was raised Catholic then became an atheist, which maybe explain messiah being found at gates of Rome and having the face of a dog (for example, gentile or person of Germanic descent).
During Samhein 2021, visible horns of light like the leviathan goat image were put on my head and my head felt like it was transformed into a goat head for a couple seconds. Another time, I received what maybe the visible shiny wake of Leviathan over my heart as mentioned in Job.
I experienced heat in my chest and groin area on December 20-21, 2020, during what the media called the Bethlehem star which was the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.
I've endured several years of persecution from the USA government and other witches including from the "other side." Police were following (stalking) in this way during the time I had my hip dislocated like Jacob when he saw the face of God like in Genesis 32:25-30 and was renamed Israel.
Prophecy says messiah would be followed by police when he entered Israel and I was being followed and harassed by law enforcement and the witches that do their bidding when my hip was dislocated/wrenched and I was briefly transported to heaven to sit on a throne next to God like Jacob when he was renamed Israel.
Prophecy says Messiah would fight Amalek and I have been writing emails and posting online for a few years about how people, even Christians, are consuming the blood of sacrificed children (through IV transfusion) like the dogs of psalm 68:23. This is what caused the government the start gangstalking me starting in 2020.
I tore my labrum on my right shoulder from a wrestling match which might represent how the astrological symbol for Saturn shows a stretched cross arm and how the name of Yahweh in Hebrew oriented vertically, it resembles a man's skeleton with a dislocated shoulder and hip. This may fit the Torah verse about the government being on his shoulder for the suffering messiah.
A few rabbis have been seriously harming me and my family for the last few years and there is a prophecy about rabbis being against messiah.
I have a strong record of doing lashon hara (evil speech like gossip) like prophecy speaks about messiah doing and I may have tsaraat on my forearms. There is a prophecy about messiah riding a donkey and that could refer to his hand being against all men and all men against him like Ishmael. This may relate to the feather pillows in Torah which could connect to the feathers of the Abraxas chief rooster and the kapparot ritual.
I was born on a Sabbath like prophecy says about Jewish messiah. I'm not married nor do I have children which, in Jewish law, means I'm not a man so could be a man child (bible says "a child will lead them" and maybe this is the little horn.
A few leaders of Israel have told me I am messiah (they didn't say son of Solomon messiah).
End times info:
Prophecy of the popes from 1200s says Pope Francis is the last Pope
USA is $36 trillion in debt (like a base 36 pyramid makes 666 it's capstone)
War in Ukraine is escalating which could be ww3 and gog vs magog
Solar eclipse paths from 2017-2014 resemble a Taurus constellation which could represent cattle/slaves and radar for solar flares resemble an ancient symbol for a sacrifice:
Prophecy says messiah is from Galilee (ha-goyim) meaning non-believers (I was raised Catholic became an atheist) and Isaiah 53:2 and Isaiah 53:5 might also apply to this:
During Sukkoth 2019, I was with Heylel Ben Shahar (possibly Isaiah 14:12, numbers 24:17 and revelation 2:28) which I think is your heart/chest feeling like it is really warm like on fire for 3 days and nights. Notice a lit menorah resembles a rib cage on fire and I think Jonah in the whale for 3 days represents this 3 day experience.
Israel's trump coin with Cyrus shows a menorah over his head which might represent this
I also saw the man with eyes of fire (on a cross) during this time and, like ezekiel, was made to fall face down after hearing a voice and was covered in fire. I think the man with eyes of fire and Heylel Ben Shahar are why Torah says "our God is a consuming fire." He was shown on a cross when I saw him.
A visible golden triangle was briefly placed over my head during this 3 day period. King solomon received 666 bars of gold which can be stacked into a base 36 pyramid making the capstone #666 and I read 666 represents messiah Ben David. This may relate to the man on the hill prophecy where the hill might be a mountain with the leviathan goat at the capstone area.
I experienced having my lower legs go limp which I think relates to why Torah says rabbis want to be like the chief rooster which I think refers to the abraxas rooster feathered serpent and I think this maybe why the kapparot rooster is moved around for 3 days.
later I was briefly transported to heaven to sit in a throne next to God while having my hip dislocated like Jacob (Genesis 32:25-30) next to a giant with a large head that I think maybe described as Arich Anpin. I think I'm now in the pit per Isaiah 14:12-15.
Matthew 12:40 mentions the experiencer of the sign of Jonah is the son of man (for his generation like Ezekiel was)
I saw a bright green humanoid face with a long snake-like neck on my father's left shoulder and I think this was the holy serpent like on Michaelangelo's David statue.
A bump supernaturally formed on the top of my head like a kippah and this may relate to how Torah says you get gold from studying it. I also had a visible eye made of white light form between my ring and middle fingers which I think is part of why Oral Torah says a gentile that studies Torah is like a high priest which may fit prophecy of messiah being so-so jewish.
I was raised Catholic then became an atheist, which maybe explain messiah being found at gates of Rome and having the face of a dog (for example, gentile or person of Germanic descent).
During Samhein 2021, visible horns of light like the leviathan goat image were put on my head and my head felt like it was transformed into a goat head for a couple seconds. Another time, I received what maybe the visible shiny wake of Leviathan over my heart as mentioned in Job.
I experienced heat in my chest and groin area on December 20-21, 2020, during what the media called the Bethlehem star which was the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.
I've endured several years of persecution from the USA government and other witches including from the "other side." Police were following (stalking) in this way during the time I had my hip dislocated like Jacob when he saw the face of God like in Genesis 32:25-30 and was renamed Israel.
Prophecy says messiah would be followed by police when he entered Israel and I was being followed and harassed by law enforcement and the witches that do their bidding when my hip was dislocated/wrenched and I was briefly transported to heaven to sit on a throne next to God like Jacob when he was renamed Israel.
Prophecy says Messiah would fight Amalek and I have been writing emails and posting online for a few years about how people, even Christians, are consuming the blood of sacrificed children (through IV transfusion) like the dogs of psalm 68:23. This is what caused the government the start gangstalking me starting in 2020.
I tore my labrum on my right shoulder from a wrestling match which might represent how the astrological symbol for Saturn shows a stretched cross arm and how the name of Yahweh in Hebrew oriented vertically, it resembles a man's skeleton with a dislocated shoulder and hip. This may fit the Torah verse about the government being on his shoulder for the suffering messiah.
A few rabbis have been seriously harming me and my family for the last few years and there is a prophecy about rabbis being against messiah.
I have a strong record of doing lashon hara (evil speech like gossip) like prophecy speaks about messiah doing and I may have tsaraat on my forearms. There is a prophecy about messiah riding a donkey and that could refer to his hand being against all men and all men against him like Ishmael. This may relate to the feather pillows in Torah which could connect to the feathers of the Abraxas chief rooster and the kapparot ritual.
I was born on a Sabbath like prophecy says about Jewish messiah. I'm not married nor do I have children which, in Jewish law, means I'm not a man so could be a man child (bible says "a child will lead them" and maybe this is the little horn.
A few leaders of Israel have told me I am messiah (they didn't say son of Solomon messiah).
End times info:
Prophecy of the popes from 1200s says Pope Francis is the last Pope
USA is $36 trillion in debt (like a base 36 pyramid makes 666 it's capstone)
War in Ukraine is escalating which could be ww3 and gog vs magog
Solar eclipse paths from 2017-2014 resemble a Taurus constellation which could represent cattle/slaves and radar for solar flares resemble an ancient symbol for a sacrifice:
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