Make Money Is the Trust Wallet NFT airdrop legit?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
NFT airdrops, or non-fungible tokens, are a well-liked marketing strategy in which a limited number of people receive free NFTs. To increase interest in their project, NFT creators and marketers frequently airdrop NFTs to community members, influencers, and holders of other NFTs.

I had 17 unsolicited "airdrop" NFT scams in my gallery when I opened my Trust Wallet yesterday, so it's not exactly new. Naturally, these aren't actual airdrops, and you should report and mark them as hidden right away.

While it's true that airdrops occasionally have validity and are beneficial, it's crucial to investigate these tokens to distinguish between the real thing and just another persistent scammer. Generally speaking, it's a scam if the token looks like a website address.

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