?Ask Is your phone holy?

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Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos

Is Your Phone Holy?​


Even if your answer is, Yes, please still read to the end and share with others in your space.

The question is important because you can not have an unholy phone of a holy man. A holy person can not have an unholy phone because you are responsible for what is on your phone.

Take this seriously. Our phones mirror our character. Your phone is a pipe into your soul. You are not holy if your phone is not holy. And remember, without holiness, no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). In other words, no holiness, no heaven. The terrible alternative is an eternity in a lake of fire.

Your digital devices are the most dangerous items you possess. They can edify or destroy you, depending on what you do with them. Your phone is the most dangerous because it gives strangers direct access to you - direct access to your heart for that matter. Jesus' sheep do not listen to or follow the voice or videos of strangers. Do you have them on your phone?

The biggest competitor with Jesus these days are the strangers on the phones and digital devices of Christians. Our phones are the main reason we don't pray or study the Word. Our phones have collected the very thing God asks of us: ATTENTION (Proverbs 4:20-23).

"My son, give attention to my Word..." but our attention is centered on our devices._

"Incline your ear..." but ungodly music blasts in our ears through our earbuds and headphones._

"Let them not depart from your eyes..." But our eyes are fixed on screens!

Keep them in the midst of your heart... but our hearts are saturated with junk from social media._

IS YOUR PHONE HOLY? Or is it full of vanity, immorality, foul language, violence, gossip, social junk, and other unholy things?

This matter merits your immediate attention. It might seem small, but in reality, eternity is at stake. Undertake an immediate audit of your phone. Delete, block, and unsubscribe yourself from every unholy content - music, pictures, or videos. Get help! _Dont hide what you can not handle. Find someone who can hold you accountable - to help you break addictions to pornography, gaming, gambling, etc. You certainly would not like Jesus to meet you holding that phone with those things inside. And yet He lives in your heart! Can He possibly watch and listen to such trash with us?

May God deliver His people from Satan's _devices_ - from this flood of hell that will sweep multitudes into everlasting punishment.

Kindly share this message with your friends and networks.

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