Church Letter To All Church Leaders - The Bitter Truth

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BSF Senior Staff
Staff member
Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Dear Church Leader,

Let me tell you the bitter truth.

Every Pastor will respond positively to that leader or worker that is producing lasting results and making ministry easy for them.

Your consistent results will always make you consistently relevant in that Church.

The day your results start dwindling,
Your relevance will also dwindle.

Fruitfulness is not a suggestion but a command given to us by God.

Your lack of results may be the reason your pastor is no longer relating with you as He should especially after he may have called you to order several times without any positive change from you.

The results and fruits of souls, disciples, strong leadership, Spiritual growth and consistent fellowship is important to any Pastor as they are also important to God.

If you want to always find yourself in the good books of your pastor or even your boss in the office,
just give them results, results and more results.

Your results will also earn you respect and influence within the organization.

Hope this is clear enough?
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