Church List of Characteristics of Born again Christians

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Characteristics of Born again Christians

● They speak the truth at all times
● They are good listeners
● They hardly take offense
● They are quick to forgive
● They are reliable
● They are supportive
● They have appetite for prayer and fasting
● They rely on the Word of God
● The more God lifts them up, the more they become humble
● They hardly defend themselves
● They are quick to repent
● They seek peace and pursue it
● They love people and they are compassionate
● They know when to talk and when to be quiet
● They are full of wisdom in many aspects of life
● They respect people and are very sensitive to people's feelings
● They have a lot of patience and they are not short tempered
● They fear God
They give honour where it is due
● They are content with what they have
● They have good leadership skills
● They are hospitable
● They are not carried away by all kinds of teachings
● They are good followers
● They have a sacrificial spirit
● They don't gossip and look down on people
● They have faith
● They take part in church activities and attend church regularly
● They are clean in every aspect of life
● Their spirits are sensitive, they hate sin
● They don't act holier than others
● They don't compete with others
,* to be a leader, evangelist pastor ,general overseer,,worker in the church

Ask yourself: Am I a Born again Christian?
2 Corinthians 13:5, "Examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith, test yourselves...."

I pray that God gives us the grace to identify and work on our weaknesses. Let's not be deceived, make amends now that we are alive to make it RIGHT.

Please forward the checklist to other Christian friends, and groups. Tomorrow might be too late for someone. Thanks & God bless you.

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