Looking for Dedicated Server

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Jun 4, 2024

I am looking to buy dedicated server at cheap price. I need this for software testing. I need min 24gb Ram with core 2-3 core processor, 100MBPS/1GBPS Port, Bandwidth 20 TB or unlimited, Re-load OS any time, One Snap only, OS Window 11 (I use my own key), Help in enabling RDP, Payment Paypal. Budget $80-100 per server.
Choose a host who understands your specific needs, and who can sit down with you and talk about what your needs are, and how that host can accommodate for those needs.
Personal website hosting is a booming business. People everywhere are building websites to post precious wedding pictures, baby pictures, family video clips, party invitations, personal blogs and more. You don't need to be an expert to pull this of either. Try to look at hosting offers section here at this board. I've found GTHost.com instant servers - the price looks good.
I'd draw your attention to deals from decent companies: hostingsource.com and hostnamaste.com.
Full service hosting providers. Great prices, great support, plenty of tools to accomplish almost anything. They make maintaining my sites very easy.
I recommend swisslayer.com. They have good dedicated server solutions and they are DMCA free.
Have to rely on Neironvps.com tech support to set up certain settings, but they are very willing to do so, and they do it promptly upon request.
Pricing is still great. The server uptime and overall speed performance are outstanding and consistent.
Have a look at servers from solid hosting providers: planethoster.com and legionbox.com.
In sum, the top three aspects I adore about these companies are: their unparalleled performance, responsive support, and ethical principles.

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