Spiritual Formation & Disciplines Question regarding the Courts of Heaven

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Spiritual Formation & Disciplines thread


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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Hello, everyone. I'd want to question anyone about the Courts of Heaven; I've read about them many times, but there is no clear doctrine behind them, so I'm not sure if it's proper to follow them. If I did some research, I found one main preacher who discusses them and publishes videos online. He's name is Robert Henderson, now I want to be very careful with my tongue, and to be not judgmental, but when I seek about this what he called revelation he had, and I wanted to be sure, if I don't follow false teaching, then I kind of started to seek he's background and more if he's videos, now what appears to me, he focused a lot on prosperity preaching,
As a result, I have strong feelings about it, which implies I do not accept the prosperity gospel. I'm not sure if this is due to my own pride or greed, but I don't want to be duped; I've been cautioned about well-known wealth teachers.
I studied his writings, and he appears to be writing about the courts of heaven and how to pursue your case there and gain freedom from a variety of things; now I'm wondering whether it's a new age teaching, or some other spirits?

I gently ask whether you have personally applied this teaching, how it has helped you, and why you believe it is not deception.​

Because if it is real teaching, shouldn't we transform our hearts and stop being attached to the prosperity gospel? I find the same thing with folks who preach about tongues/baptism of the Holy Spirit, in which I believe. Wouldn't that bring spiritual fruit? Why am I saying that we should seek things from above rather than thirst for money and prosperity? It's because I've noticed that most individuals that preach about baptism of the Holy Spirit/tongues crave power, and they highlight power, but when I examine closer, I find that their background is about the prosperity gospel, so please correct me and lead me if I've been judgmental.

Sorry for my English abilities.

May God lead and Bless us!

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