Moral Lessons Stop Running From One Witch Native Doctor To Another

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Moral Lessons and Bible Stories


BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

Stop running from one native to another for wealth or doing Yahoo. Sit down and read your Bible and find out what God said about your success.​

Any wealth gotten from witch doctor will never last. You will end up been afflicted and destroy yourself.
Let me share this life story.
Three boys from izon town Nigeria visited a native doctor for wealth or make it in yahoo.

And the native doctor told them, there two ways of making wealth or Yahoo.

1. You have to sleep with death people for 3 days where they buried them​

Anything you see there don't tell anyone​

2. You have to use your love one for a sacrifice.​

After he has giving them the instruction two decide at that moment that they will not do any one of the instruction.

Then the one decide to do the number one instruction for Yahoo.

Let see what happen​

Then after he slept with the death people that they buried for 3days.

He went back to the native doctor and say to him, baba I have completed my assignment for the 3days so how I start make my money (Yahoo).

Then native doctor replied to him, it is done.

Go to the street any house you enter, you will see plenty money.

But don't give it your family members.

The first money that you will see, used it and spread it on the street.

Anyone who pick it, you have collected the destiny.

That his how you will be making your money.

So the boy refuse to help his family members after making his money.

Even when his friends follow him to shopping, he will buy them any kind of food, but he will never give them anyone.

Rather he will spread the money on street and collect unknown destinies.

And the native doctor told him, the money will not stay long in his house except he spread them on the street then more money will come.

That is how the boy start his Yahoo.

After 1year and 2 months some people start rejects his money. how can he spreading like that

They tried to find his real source of wealth.

He started going down, and he went back to the native doctor and complain.

The native doctor told him that the destiny's you have collect from the street, it is a enough

Now we need someone from your family for a sacrifice or you will use yourself.

The boy start crying, he was like baba

You did not tell me it will be the way it's being now?


He ran back to his village and confess and started running mad in the street.

Any wealth gotten from witch doctor will never last.

You will end up been afflicted and destroy yourself.

This a real life story happen in a izon town Delta State Nigeria - Africa.

What did you learn from this lesson (story).

1. Don't go to a native doctor for wealth because of situation
Or you want that situation to be worst.

2. Be careful and warm your female daughters having a relationship with any Yahoo boy, except you want her to be used for sacrifice
3. When you see unknown face or Yahoo boy spreading money around your environment, avoid them.
4. If you truly want to be successful and enjoy everlasting wealth then focus on God's principles of wealth.

What shall it profit a man do Yahoo and gain the whole money and lost his soul?

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