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Law and Legal Services thread


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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
The cost of legal services can vary greatly based on the complexity of the case, the type of legal service required (e.g., litigation, contract writing, estate planning), the attorney's experience, and geographical location.

Legal costs can be hourly, flat, or contingency (depending on outcome).​

There may also be expenses for court filing fees, expert witnesses, and other case-related costs.​

Secondly that will depend on the size of the case, but for a personal lawyer, you would typically pay a retainer followed by recurring billings at a frequency that you can manage financially.

For example, if you're suing someone for $100,000, you might pay $2,000 for a retainer, followed by regular billings at $2,000 intervals depending on how the case progresses; it could cost you well under $10,000 if the defendant settles the case, or significantly more if the case goes to court until the bitter end, with possible appeals of the court decision.

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