?Ask Ways to Restitution of sexual sin

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria


Questions And Answers:​

"Sister Mirabel, is that true that you've being committing fornication all this years without opening up to anyone?" the pastor questioned her.

"And you brother Mathias, is it true that you've committing fornication with sister Mirabel, all this years and you didn't stand out for restitution"

The pastor questioned as they were both speechless and shook their head signifying that it was true.

"So, you're officiating as a worker in the church, listening to my messages everydays of activities and you pretend as if though you're innocent and holier than sinners"

The pastor spoke with annoyance.

"So, brother Mathias you pretended as if though you're righteous and committed to the thing's of God — not knowing that you're an hypocritical leader"

The pastor spoke with bitterness.

"Thank God that today your secret sin's has being discovered"

The pastor announced.

I was at my sit as my mortal body was shaking, and my heart was breathing so high as if it's going to divide — sighting the pastor very furious as I keep praying and wishing inwardly that he won't invoked curses upon this two fellows.

But unfortunately that is what many of us that profess to be 'Christians' are addicted to.

We stand in the alter of the Almighty God to sing and praise His name with a polluted and a defiled hearts.

While some will be having an affair with their fellow church leaders of workers, committing immorality without their heart pricking them to repent and turn away from their evil ways.

While some will be coming to church, and claiming to be born again, Holier than others, meanwhile they will still go outside there and commit one sin or the other — with that dirty garments; they will appear in the alter of God to minister as worker in the vineyard of God — I'm so sorry for you.

The day God will determine to expose you, it will look like a dream — the same way you watch Zee world movie. It's gonna be a day you never prepare or expect.


One of the fast growing Pentecostal church in Nigeria, precisely The Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Movements.

Years ago, I was discussing with the State Youth Leader heading one of the states in South —South Region in Nigeria.

While discussing about Genuine Heart broken repentance, he shared a heart pricking incident with me.

The Youth State Leader Speaking.

Brother Paul, if you come across a genuine child of God that fells into the temptations of sexual immorality or fornication, you will definitely knows.

Months ago, while we were holding state general workers meeting, a young man stood at the podium with microphone confessing his immoral secret ordeals.

How he feels into fornication and while he was confessing before the whole youth workers....he was laying flat on the floor.... Crying and weeping profusely.

Brother Paul, if you witnessed this scene, you might even join him in the chorus of shedding tears

Do you know that, all the whole workers present were in tears weeping and crying along with him.

Brother Paul, I said the whole atmosphere was electrify with tears and weeping.

As the leader, I have to hold myself, It took me many times to control myself from not joining in the chorus of the weeping

After awhile, I had to step up to talk to them, yet, I had to let them pour out their souls and heart to God in tears

Then while I was addressing them, the young man in question was still laying flat at the podium .... slay death!

After the meeting, he came to me and start narrating his ordeal and what transpired while he was laying flat at the podium.

"Sir, while I was laying flat at that podium, I fell into a trance and saw myself been held bound by strong chains and fetters of iron.*

I was in imprisoned and chained down.

Then suddenly a stronger personality appears and immediately broke off those chains and iron.

Sir, I was set free and immediately I regain my consciousness.

The youth leader continue.

Brother Paul, can you imagine that the young man was immediately bound in caged and imprisoned as soon as he fell into that sin of fornication.

Despite all the secret tears and secrets confessions he made to God, yet God refused to set him free from the yokes of eternal punishment and earthly sufferings due to fornicating and for not making an open confessions.

This means, there is an extra grace and power with mercy attach with an open confessions, if not, that young man will suffer and keep on struggling in his Academic and endeavour here on earth and continues to suffer after death in Hell

Brother Paul, if you see someone that had genuinely repented and sorry for falling into sexual temptation, you will definitely knows!!


The high rates of sexual immoralities such as fornication, abortion, masturbation and adultery in various churches today is outrageous.

Hence, as a worker in the vineyard of the Lord, such as Preacher, Pastor, Reverend, Evangelist, Priest, Woman leader, Pope, General Overseer, Intercessor, Chorister, Usher, deacon, deaconess, Choir, youth ministry or whatever earthly titled you call yourself!

If you are involved or entangled in pathetic mess of sexual immoralities, it's high time you expose yourself voluntarily, by reporting to the church disciplinary committee or Pastor, as a means of making an urgent public announcement in exposure of your secret wicked immoral act because restitution of sexual immorality in the church is a must!

Sexual immoralities are a terrible sin which you committed against your body (the church) and Heaven's.

Moreover, shedding only tears in your secret chambers can't exonerate you because it's not enough.

There is an urgent need for an opened confession — in order to crush your shamefulness and embrace true repentance.

However, if you're ashamed or afraid to acknowledge your mistakes openly or dealt with your egoistic, pride and arrogance by embracing public rebuked, discipline and repentance, don't ever think of Heaven because the glorious celestial city of Heaven is a prepared place for those who are dead to flesh, crucified in shamefulness, fear and pride, and been perfected in humility, meekness and love.

Nevertheless, I'm also happy for you — because, this message came to you at this point in time. Quickly run to a place of refuge, a place of rest, a place where you will be save in you are still harbouring any form of secret sin's of fornication, adultery, abortion, masturbation, embezzlement of church fund or stealing church money

It's written, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. ..Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief — Proverb 28:13-14.

Don't procrastinate your restitution.

Don't postponed your restitution.

Don't neglect restitution.

Don't ignore restitution.

If you ignore, you will regret here on earth, and to crown it all, you will suffer in eternal damnation in hell — This is the word that I speak into you, they are spirit and they are life.



What if a married woman commits adultery must she confess to the church or to the husband alone?


In such case, the victim should first confess unto God and plead for his forgiveness and promise never to indulge into such ugly sinfulness.

The next phase is to take a bold of step and see her pastor and ensure she explains everything to him. Afterward, he will counsel and also pray for her.

The pastor will strategies how both of them would confront her husband because such ugly scene can makes any responsibility husband runs-mad.

So, there is need for spiritual guidance. Her pastor will strike out a befitting way on how to approach her husband so that he wouldn't sprout rage on the wife.

This same restituting act is also applicable to anyone that commits murder or kills someone secretly.

The first person to confess is the pastor then he will strategies how to set-up things, probably to invite the police in order not to propel another bloody shed.

There was a case of a young man that suddenly went to the family of the victim whom he killed secretly.

When he was confessing to the family victim, one of the family member went inside and came out with a machete and cut off the head of the young man.

So, my point is this, every restitution need divine counseling and the best person to confide is the pastor.


Must it be confessed publicly? Is one on one confession to God not forgivable?


There is urgent need to expose every form of sexual sin because such person committed an abominable sin against his/herself and also the body (church).

The sinful believer trodden down the word of his/her pastor, who always labor ceaseless in night watches and preparation of gospel messages which he always feed the church.

The sinful believer categorically trash-bin the whole labor which his/her pastor has labored in nurturing and impacting upon him/her the word of God.

Hence, such person is recommended to tender an apology to the church (body) by exposing such sin.

However, it's also mandated that the culprit or the associates or partner that was involve if peradventure it is fornication or adultery — if the sin partner is a member of the same church — he/her must also be implicated so that the Holy Ghost will works effectively in the church because un-exposed sin is a reproach.

When you confess to God, he will definitely forgive you but in order to be assured of your true repentance you must confess to the pastor or church elders.

This signifies a mark of true repentance because merely shedding crocodile tears in secret chamber doesn't amount for total repentance.

Repentance simply means an act of re-amending ones sinfulness in free conscienceless without shame or fear.

It's an act of embracing your fault or accepting your mistake and promised never to indulge into again.


What if the person has stopped that act for a very long time and ask for God's forgiveness does he needs to restitute to a church leader?


It’s of necessity to expose such sin in order to free oneself from guilty conscience because sexual sin is secretly and whenever a believer mistakenly lured in— such person will definitely feel guilty.

While praying he/she might suddenly recall the sinful secret act and instantly self condemnation will propel because the sin has not yet been exposed.

And once exposed — the sight of freedom will invade the heart.

Even if the devil comes accusing after the confession, you would be able to easily ignore him, because you'll know he's just fooling himself based on the word of God, you already know you're cleared.

I mean, whenever you eschew those fear and shame and confess to your pastor or church disciplinary committee, whenever such self-condemnation or thoughts sprout next time, you will have a solidify boldness to rebuked the devil because you have exposed the ugly sin.

Please your pastor, church elders or spiritual mentor are the people you are recommended to confess such sin because they are your spiritual leaders, they will counsel, pray and also admonished you.


If me as a brother mistakenly fall into immorality not sex now and i prayed and repented from that sin and exposed myself of that sin, am I justified?


If you mistakenly fall into the sin of fornication or masturbation, the next is to pray and cried unto God for his mercy and forgiveness.

So, the next step is to report yourself to your pastor , this humility act will shows if you have truly repented or not because repentance is an act of eschewing pride, shame, be sorrowfully and determined never to entangle into same act.

The reason why you have to report yourself is because.....

You thwarted the effort of the church in bringing out the best in you.

All the efforts of your pastor, preaching, night watches and messages were all trash into Dustin.

You didn't value or treasured them due to lack of self control.

Hence, there is need to seek for the forgiveness of the church because you have sin against the church and against God.

Even though Heaven might have forgiven you but the Earth can’t forget and that is reason why such forgiveness needed to be enacted by crucifixion of shame, (you must bear the shame).

You ought to kill shame, fear and pride because these are secret devilish weapon against Christian, so it ought to be crushed in your life.

— When you confessed to your pastor, there is always a sense of freedom and self-guilty and conscience uplifted from your heart. I mean, you will perceive a relief burden from your heart.

There is always need to confess openly even after you might have pray secretly because it always helps ones faith to be justified.


Is it really necessary to inform the pastor?


It’s is written James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”

Yes, you only confess to your spiritual father's, the shepherd or pastor in your church or disciplinary committee.

They will help you in prayers, counseling and also guide you.

This are spiritual people — they are elder's in the church and rooted spiritual in God's words.

They will definitely encourage you spiritually and forewarns you the consequences of such sin.

Moreover, whatsoever sins you refused to expose, will likewise continue to infest upon you like a pest and also gives birth to others sins. But when you eventually expose and confess such sin, honestly, you shall be exonerated because they devil will be put to shame.


What if the person confess to the pastor, does it still need to confess openly in the church?


An open confession to the church is for the pastors or a renowned leader who is well respected in the church and also in charge of the church activities.

He/she is requested to expose him/herself to the church openly by confessing the immoral act and ask the whole church for their forgiveness.

Though many pastors has committed suicide just because they can't bear the shame while majority has lavished in Hell due to this fact, and this moment they wish they could subdue such shame while on Earth and render their restitution amicably because the horror shame in Hell is horrible.

However, in term of an ordinary church worker, he/she is requested to report him/herself to the church disciplinary committee (almost every church has this set of department) or the pastor.

It now left for the church disciplinary committee or the pastor to incur suspension upon such person.

Though sometimes, the person might be instructed by the pastor or the disciplinary committee to stand openly before the whole congregation to confess his/her abominable act.

While the pastor sometimes, might just counsel and pray for victim and ask him/her to go in peace, but the strength to amount such confidence or boldness to approach the pastor always seem difficult because the devil will come with different tactics in order to hinder such godly step.

But in most cases, the person might be suspended and striped-off from whatever post or church leadership he/she held in the church for some period of months or year pending the time the church behold he/she has fully repented before such person can be restored back.


What happen to a member that refuse to embrace discipline or suspension and later went to another church?


It's unfortunate that some of this caliber set of Christians under church suspension will ran out of the church and joined another church because they can't withstand the shame.

However, whenever they died the Heaven will likewise reject them (ended up eternally in Hell) because they refuse to serve and complete their suspension.

It’s was written, Matthew 6:10 “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven"

This simple means, whatever happens in the church is also honored in Heaven.

Physically, today if a Prisoner dies in the prison while serving under jail term — the government can’t release the dead body to the family member.

They will rather bury the body and chained the tomb or grave and padlock it because such person died while serving prison sentence.


What if the person that committed the sexual sin is a pastor?


It’s written 1 Corinthians 14:40 “Let all things be done decently and in order”

You don't just commit fornication, adultery, masturbate or steal church money without exposing yourself and expect orderliness and peace to reign in the church.

How is that possible?

There must be disciplining and orderliness in the house of God, so that the church won't turns into another set of night clubs.

This will cause the brethren to learnt from the mistake of others and fear God, so that revival will swipe across the church.

However, if such person is a pastor, he must likewise expose himself to the church or whole congregation.

I mean the reason why you didn't want to confess that secret sin is probably due to shame or fear and that is exact reason why you must confess it to the whole church as a pastor because you abused the trust which your members has on you.

When you confess secret sins of sexual immoralities, it brings about an internal spiritual relief.

The sinful burden of guilt will be uplifted from your heart and the devil crushed into shame.

If you can't amount the guts to expose your sexual sin, due to shame or fear, that means, you're not worth to carry the cross, because the cross comprises a huge lots of shame and reproach, and this is exact reason why we were called Christians.

We are special people who are redeemed and not afraid, shy or ashamed of our past sinful life, but ever ready to confess it to the whole world as a divine testimonies of our true conversion.

(It's time to restitute, confess and exposed that secret sexual sin's in your life because tomorrow might be too late)

May God bless you.

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