Moral Lessons What are moral lessons from Lazarus?

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Moral Lessons and Bible Stories


BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
My name is Lazarus, I am sure you still recognize me. My body was always covered with sores, your house dogs loved licking my sores. I was always there by your gate, and I knew you had more than enough to eat and drink, every day you had a party in this house. You always invited people to come and dine with you. You invited senators, governors and the richest businessmen and women but you never looked at me. You did not consider me a human being because I was poor.
Each time you saw me, you pretended as if I don’t exist. You wished I could just disappear. You thought I was simply lazy or that I was being cursed for living in such an impoverished condition. You blamed my condition on the government and everybody else but never saw yourself as capable of helping me. You didn’t realize I was a gift to you. When I died, I went to heaven and was taken to Abraham’s side but your Oga also died and was taken to Hell Fire. From the midst of hell, he saw me and begged Abraham to ask me dip my finger in water to cool his tongue.
In life he had gallons of water to drink and waste and here he was begging for just one drop. And he couldn’t get the drop so he begged Abraham to send me to you to warn you. Your Oga still loves you, he doesn’t want you to come and experience hell fire so I am here to warn you. Hell is real, please do all your best to avoid it! Be kind and generous to the poor and needy.

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, Jesus says, that you do unto me. Don’t share your food only with the rich, also invite poor people to table. You can afford to spray dollars at occasions and people like me are scattered all over the place unable to eat even one meal a day. Above all, I want you to know that God sees everything that happens. For years I was there at your gate, God was giving you countless opportunities to change your heart and do something but you refused. I warn you now before it is too late.

Although Abraham told your Oga that even if someone rise from the dead, you will not believe, I decided to come all the same. Believe me or not, my name is Lazarus and this is my message to you!

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