?Ask What are things I need to do and things I shouldn't do in the society?

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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
1. Avoid making more than two consecutive calls to one person. If they don't return your call, assume they have an urgent matter to handle;

2. Give back whatever money you've borrowed, even before the borrower forgets or asks for it. It demonstrates your moral fiber and honesty. The same is true for lunch boxes, pens, and umbrellas.

3. When someone is feeding you lunch or dinner, never order the most costly item on the menu.

4. Avoid awkward inquiries such as "Oh, you're not married yet?" Or "Why didn't you buy a house?" or "Don't you have kids?" Or how about you purchase a car? God forbid, it's not a problem for you.

5. Always let the person behind you in by opening the door. It makes no difference if they are juniors or seniors, boys or girls. It doesn't make you smaller to treat someone nicely in public;

6. Try paying the following time if your friend pays for the cab ride;

7. Show consideration for varying points of view. Recall that an individual facing you will perceive something that is 6 as 9. Additionally, a second view is beneficial for a backup plan;

8. Never cut someone off in conversation. Let them spill it out. Hear them all and filter them all, as the saying goes.

9. Stop teasing someone and never do it again if they don't seem to appreciate it. It motivates one to work harder and demonstrates gratitude;

10. Express gratitude to others who assist you.

11. Give public praise. Make private criticisms;

12. It is nearly never appropriate to make weight-related remarks about someone. Simply say, "You look amazing." They are free to discuss weight loss if they so choose;

13. Never swipe left or right when someone shows you a picture on their phone. The future is unpredictable.

14. Say "I hope you're okay" if a coworker informs you they have an appointment with a doctor instead of asking what the appointment is for. Avoid making them feel compelled to disclose their personal illness to you. They won't ask you questions if they don't want you to know;

15. Show the CEO and the cleaner the same decency. People will notice if you treat someone under you with respect, yet no one is impressed by how impolite you may be;

16. It's impolite to look at your phone while someone is speaking to you directly;

17. Wait to offer counsel until someone asks;

18. Don't ask someone their age when you see them again unless you want to chat about it.

19. Mind your own business until it directly affects you; otherwise, simply keep quiet;

20. Take off your sunglasses when conversing with people on the street. It's a respectful gesture. Making eye contact is just as crucial as speaking, in fact.

21. Keep your wealth to yourself when around impoverished people. In the same way, avoid discussing your kids with the barren.

22. Try saying "Thanks for the message" after reading a helpful message.

Still, the simplest way to obtain what you lack is via appreciation.

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