Relationship Who am I hating on?

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Relationship related threads


BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Can we learn how to LOVE other women?

I’ve realized that out of all of the pain and hardships we face in life, a large portion of it comes from WOMEN hurting other WOMEN.

I’ve had a fair share of betrayal, sabotage, jealousy, gossip, envy, and pure HATE from other women. We are ONE.

And there is more than enough of EVERYTHING for EVERYONE to have what belongs to them.

So there is no reason to operate with any other intention other than LOVE.

I’m in a healing space in my own life with women.

And I’ve decided to take all of you along that journey with me.

But take a moment today and STOP and ask yourself Is there a woman in my life that I am not honoring?

Who am I hating on?

Who am I gossiping about?

Who do I dislike for no reason?

Who am I standing in envy of?

Of who am I betraying and taking her good because I don’t have my own?

If you recognize it.


Correct your actions, words and neutralize the karma you are creating.

Call, or write, or just flat out STOP.

Ask yourself for forgiveness.

Because my love, the hurt you inflict is headed back to you, FAST IS.

It’s impossible to receive ALL of your good with an ugly heart and actions towards another.

Or if you’ve BEEN hurt by someone , today.

RELEASE THEM from your anger and ask God to intercede and begin to heal you from the past hurt.

You will be AMAZED at how your life changes.

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