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Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos


Before I begin, can I submit it to you that Spiritual fire is not gotten accidentally.

There are things that when they are wilfully lacking in your life, you will become as cold as ice.

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” (Rev. 3:15-16).

You can see by yourself that it is your work (birthed by your choice) to either become cold or hot.

If you see a cold and weak Christian who lacks power, fire and anointing, blame it on him. He is at fault.


He has every reason to be powerful , strong and strengthened

Psalm 46:1 - "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Isaiah 40:29 - "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."

Ephesians 6:10 - "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."

19] Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. [20] Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

There are more than a thousand scriptures that mandate a believer to be powerful, fireful, strong and do exploits.

Why then do some appear weak and vulnerable?​

1. They are complacent with been born again:​

It is disheartening that some christians settle on being born again. Once they have the ticket to heaven, they don't want to know any other thing.

I'd to say, you can't make heaven if you have not made the earth for Jesus.

Jesus saved you and said to you, go ye into the world and preach the good news - Mathew 28:19. That is, he is commanding you to go and win the world for him. If you don't do that, you have sinned and the sin of disobedience will deny you eternity with God in heaven

2. They lack knowledge:​

They are limited by their sensual knowledge. They refuse to learn from those who have gone ahead of them. The Bible says, my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge - Hosea 4:6.

3. They lack prayer:​

The Bible says that men ought to pray always and not faint. That means a prayerless man is a fainting man. You can't help it. If you are not praying, you are fainting. That's simple! - Luke 18:1.

4. They lack the word of God:​

The Bible says, the word of God is 'Life and Spirit' This clearly states why some christians and even ministers lack life, they are not worded. They are empty of the word of God. The fullest of God's word in you is the fullest of life and spirit in your life.

When you lack the word, you will be full of the world.

The Bible is not the word. The Bible is like an entrance point into the word. Having the Bible won't help you. Until you begin to study and meditate, the life and spirit behind every word won't be unveiled to you.
John 6:63.

In Acts 6, the devil began to distract the believers by bringing up things that would take them away from prayer and the word. Thank God the apostles found themselves back in verse 4.

5. They lack love:​

One of the prominent things lacking in Christendom today is 'love' God is love. We can't showcase God if we lack love. Without love, nothing else counts in the kingdom. Power is lacking among us because we are persecuting one another.
1Corinthians 13.

6. They lack hunger:​

Check through the scripture and you will see that men became outstanding because of the level of their hunger.

Zacchaeus was so much hungry that he had to climb a tree to see Jesus. Eventually, Jesus came to his house.

The woman with the issue of blood became so hungry that the crowd couldn't stop her.
A hungry man will not stop at anything until he has eating.

The lack of prayer and commitment to the word today is as a lack of hunger.

Men are hungry for money and women but it seems only a few are hungry for God. Such are the men we see manifesting God to their generation.

7. They lack anger:​

I always say, anger is a virtue. It depends on how you channel it. The problem isn't that you have anger. The problem is that your anger is a weapon given to you by God that you wrongly use. Instead of fighting the devil, you are fighting you wife and fellow neighbor.

If you can see a sick person and you are not angry with the devil who brought that sickness, something is not correct with you.

If you can see the oppression of the devil over someone and you are not angry, how can you be moved with compassion to deliver the said person?

The day your anger for the kingdom of hell comes alive, the devil will be on the run. You will see that you will begin to exercise great power and authority in Christ Jesus.

8. They lack purity:​

To be pure means to remain in Jesus. The moment you are out of him, you have become impure. A branch that is cut off from a vine can't produce fruits. Many are fruitless because they have been cutoff from the vine (Christ) by virtue of their sins and worldliness. You can't be friend with the world and Christ at the same time. James 4:4.

9. Lack of interaction with right sources:​

A lion remains a lion if it stays with lions. Same lion becomes a chicken in behavior if it stays with chickens and same lion becomes a stronger lion in behavior if it is mentored by a stronger lion. Who you associate with matters a lot.

There are people you get along with and your spiritual fire begins to drain. There are others you get along with and your spiritual fire comes aflame. Who are you connected to?

10. They do not exercise the power:​

Many will be so shock the day they begin to exercise the power of Jesus. They have it but they don't know. Until they begin to cast out demons and demons come out. Until they begin to heal the sick and the sick are healed, that's when it will get to them that truly they are anointed.

Can I tell you this;
You didn't just received Jesus into your life without the packages of salvation.

The day you accepted him into your life as your Lord and savior, you received with you the fullness of him. You received the packages of salvation;
1. Eternal life
2. Life in the spirit
3. The word of God
4. The name of Jesus
5. The blood of Jesus
6. The covenant of adoption and establishment
7. The power of God
8. The right to pardon sin
9. The ministry of angels
10. The right of sonship
11. The right to judge the world
12. The anointing of the spirit
13. The gift of faith
14. The immeasurable grace, favour and mercy of God
15. The unending love of God.

Since you have all of these and beyond, what then is stopping you from rising and shinning.

We are at the dawning of Revival. Never in history has there been a necessity for Revival such as the time we have found ourselves. We can't afford to be powerless and fireless as we witness Jesus to the nations.

If you have followed this reading to this point, it shows a level of hunger you have. For such, I pray for you that you will encounter the supernatural and work in power.

Do well to follow this page so we can learn more

Revival is coming.​

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