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Aug 31, 2023
Leki Logos
Instead of fighting where you are, why don’t you embrace where you are? I can promise you this: God is not going to be one second late. He’s not going to accidentally miss your set time.

God is waiting for you to come back to who you are. Where is the bold you, the confident you, the faith-filled you, the mighty hero you?

When you’re not seeing any sign of it, that’s a test. What are you made of? Are you going to give up, get discouraged, settle for mediocrity, or are you going to keep believing despite what you’re seeing?

You may not see any sign of what you’re believing for. You could get discouraged, let the lack of evidence talk you out of it. No, stay in faith. God is working behind the scenes. You are closer than you think.

What God started He will finish, but you have to do your part and come out of hiding. Come out of shame. Come out of guilt. Get back in the game. We need you. Your family needs you.

You may feel like there’s no reason to have hope; in the natural, it’s not possible. But we serve a supernatural God. When you keep hoping on in faith, you are paving the way for God to do extraordinary things.

God’s looking for the true you, the passionate you, the free you, the anointed you, not the watered-down you. He’s looking for the you that dreams big, the you that knows all things are possible.

Come back to a place of peace. You can’t trust God and be worried at the same time. When you’re at rest, you know God’s in control, you know all things are going to work for your good, you know what He started He’s going to finish.

The enemy will whisper his lies, trying to deceive us into hiding. “You’re not talented enough. You’ve made too many mistakes.” Where are those thoughts coming from? If they’re negative and discouraging, they are not from God. Don’t give them the time of day.

God never gives up on us. Even when we hide, even when we lose the person He made us to be, He keeps coming after us saying, “Where are you? I can restore you.”

Here's a key: God can’t heal what’s hidden. He’s asking you to come out, to get back engaged, but He's not going to force you. You have to choose to come out of isolation, come out of fear, come out of shame, come out of regrets.

The enemy would love for you to live disengaged, unplugged, hiding your gifts, hiding your creativity, hiding your feelings. God is saying, “Where are you? I created you to bloom, to blossom, to shine, to enjoy life, to be a blessing, to love, to laugh, to accomplish.”

Maybe your dream didn’t work out. You put a lot of effort into it, but the business failed. Failure is an event, not a person. You’re not a failure. You’re a child of the Most High God.

God is about to do a new thing. He’s not going to leave you at a deficit. He sees what you’ve been through and He’s going to make up for it. He’s going to breathe new life, new passion, new opportunities, new vision. You haven’t seen the best version of you yet.

That disappointment is not final. Get back up again. You made a mistake. Don’t beat yourself up for five years and live in regret. Ask for forgiveness and move forward. God doesn’t remember your mistakes; why are you remembering them?

God didn’t create you to start off excited about life, joyful, believing for your dreams, and then end up defeated. That’s life trying to change who you are. Go back to who God made you to be: joyful, passionate, confident, victorious.

When you’re tempted to get discouraged, look back over your life. You have a history with God. Think about all the times He made a way where you didn’t see a way. He gave you strength. He protected you. He hasn’t brought you this far to leave you where you are.

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